
@jaycustom: Good news! Today's your day.

@Spunkie: Does that make you feel better?

Do you really need more than 4GB of RAM? Of course not, nobody needs more than 640K.

@MadMacs: BYOHD. I don't know if it's $70 worth of convenience, except in very specific instances. It's not significantly more useful than a prepackaged external hard drive, except in those very specific instances.

@UnMicD: Bowling. Golf. Softball. Pool.

@njrandal: Um, it's already fixed. Why anyone would want to keep cookies longer than a session is beyond me. #openthread

Baseball bat? No. Wait. That's reserved for stolen printers. #officeculture

@mpab: @neenee: If commenting in response to a post which says, "Give us the details for why you're using your operating system of choice in the comments.", makes me a fanboy, I'm guilty as charged. Although, I prefer the term Open Source Advocate. The difference being you don't find me needlessly extolling the

@d99ma: I appreciate your response.

@Tom-LH: When you first started using a computer, you had to read up a little bit about how to do something, right? Eventually, you learned how to do those things and gradually acquired enough knowledge where you could stop researching how to do those things. Linux is no different. Granted, the learning curve is a

I've been almost exclusively rocking Ubuntu for the past couple of years.

I'm an unabashed commercial skipper. During live TV, such as a football game, I become a channel surfer.

It seems to me that one of the big Google Wave use cases would be for collaborative writing. To what extent did you utilize Wave to write the book? (hrmpf, mediawiki) Or, what would be some reasons for not using it to write the book?