
Look, it is frustrating to see commentators dismiss interesting science because they do not understand it. You stated that women should be doing “real science” instead of “shit like this”. This study does reflect real science, and I hope these points can help explain why I feel that way.

EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGISTS DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WOMEN’S ROLE IN MODERN SOCIETY. All of their shits are reserved for “how did we end up with this trait over 10,000 years ago” PROBABLY BEFORE WE EVEN LEARNT TO SPEAK, POSSIBLY BEFORE HOMO SAPIENS EXISTED. I am sorry for yelling but the level of ignorance on this comment

“Also, the researchers did not study males, human or otherwise, which seems dubious!”

Of course Jezebel is the one insensitively putting it forth. The actual scientists called their research “Patterns of philopatry and longevity contribute to the evolution of post-reproductive lifespan in mammals”. I seriously doubt Julianne understands anything at all in the links she posted, but props for at least

It’s nice to see smart people in the comments. This is a scientific study asking why female humans are one of the only animals in earth that lose their ability to reproduce fairly early in the overall scheme of life. Most animals, as you pointed out either reproduce until death (like male humans) or spawn and die like

No. They fucking don’t.

This IS real science. Maybe YOU should go into science so you would actually know what it is.

Does any person on Jezebel understand science?!?! This was NOT a sociological study. It was a BIOLOGICAL study.

That is not dubious. Have you ever written a paper? Done any research?

Oh get over yourself. Investigating the biological function of living past reproductive age is in no way a comment on women. Its basic fucking scientific investigation. “This thing happens. I wonder why”.

Matt (the “big-dicked” murderer with steel teeth and a racist bent)

Irregardless its not unpossible that this reply will make you feel better. Like, alot better. Litreally alot better.

Today we’re going to solve two of life’s great mysteries: what style of pubes do we all wear and what style of pubes