
The top one looks a bit like my X. Just saying…

When airport porn of celebrity’s start making their way on the internet, what do you think TSA’s response will be?

That’s a flat out lie. We all know they have the ability to save. How else would they have them for evidence to prove just cause for detaining people?

So what you’re saying is that Grandma CAN play.

@sneakypoo: Yes, that is exactly the point I was making, with one exception. The PC version is already well beyond just testing. They are already adapting ‘Office’ to work with it.

@dieseldog49: It wasn’t even a threat really. It was more like a form letter cautioning against misuse; and a thrown in for good measure, ‘we’ll take legal action if you do anything to violate our rights’.

You all do know that Microsoft fully intends on a PC version of Kinect, don’t you? The PC version will have a much closer range and will be able to track, not only your hands but your fingers as well. They are laughing at the hackers.

@Gary_7vn: You’ll be getting right on that project then; right?

I don’t want no stinking thank you gift for investing; I just want the dipper! Where do I buy?

@branchan: Hindsight has nothing to do with it. Brains… I go under or unhook velvet ropes all the time. Especially if they are there to provide order in long lines but the line is presently short. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. If some lame obstacle is in the way; go over.

People can be so dumb sometimes. I would have just walked over the darn thing. Unless there is a sign that says "Wet cement" I will not be herded like live stock.

The wholesale price is $67. Has the cost of packaging been factored into these calculations? How about the cost of development and testing? How is this too expensive? Are we saying that the stores who sell the product should not be making any money off the sale? How do you think stores have money to pay their

@Duc: Are you mad that he did not bake the bun from scratch? Perhaps a homemade bun would rot more to your liking.

They’re watching us. Soon there will be cameras in every living room. You can’t escape them.

@JFParnell: Crap, You said it first!...

"Owe my soul to the company store."

Sounds like a fantastic way to spread viruses! Mama always said to be carful whose drive you stick into your port.