
I just know I’m going to hear this vehicle driving by my home at 3 in the morning. I might have to kill someone.

@BloggyMcBlog: I really don’t have the power to point fingers, but someone really dropped the ball on this line of puns.

@Boots_Mcoy: From which you can see a beautiful vista.

@medopal: Icky, reminds me of the video I once saw of a tornado ripping through a rose field. That was a splendid red twister; this would be like some sort of goo monster. It would make an awesome disaster film!

There will be no condensing of the ocean water if it is trapped under a blanket of oil. Problem solved thanks to BP.

Fabulous! You GO girl!

A sign of the times… I thought it was adorable.

The first thing I want to do when I wake up is pee, not play with an alarm clock. After I pee there is no way I’m going to go back to my bedside to play with a device unless it involves putting me back to sleep.

@[Eire] Finstern: I wish I were. True story, 5 years ago a client got her first laptop and couldn’t find the power button. She called me in a panic because she had searched on all sides and couldn’t find anything that looked like a button of any type. She was floored to find out that she had to open it up and the

I love it! I get calls like this from my clients all the time. I love when they can’t find the ‘on’ button and complain that it should say ‘power’ instead of looking like a sideways Q.

VERIZON! Oh, I LOL’ed so hard I cried.

@gerrrg: I don’t even bother reading Yahoo comments anymore. They really are the worst I’ve seen anywhere, with little to no policing of spam, much less trolls.

"Don't feed the trolls." This is the best advice ever. If you are truly offended or hurt by something said by a stranger on the internet, the last thing you want to do is let them know that they have succeeded. It only wets their appetite and makes them want more.

I would think a stool or chair would be much safer than a latter to reach the can of corn from the top of my cupboard. The latter only has 2 legs; my dining room chair has 4.

@Bricked: I said I’d lean against my car and look blond, not BE blond! You watch too many bad movies. No one said it was the middle of nowhere. I’m pretty sure I’d pick a well lit place with lots of people. Besides, I do not exude victim vibes and I’m packing heat.

Lean against my car looking as blond as my red locks will let me; and wait for some fool to think that he is a knight in shining armor.