Captain Daytrip

“Are we sure this is the right way?” is one of the worst feelings. And that was a hairy part where they were already at a point of no return.

I had no idea that my ‘soccer mom’s’ Forester could do that kind of stuff!

Second this, using a Rex for such a comparison is a bit unfair...

Yep. A Fozzy suspension will bolt right on a WRX. Problem solved.

So you wouldn’t want the mechanic to verify the repair? The dealership I work for requires us to test drive vehicles before and after repairs as there are things you may notice on the initial test dive that may not be apparent during a visual inspection.

The butthurt is strong with you. Did your company move your job to Texas? Rich and dumb, eh? That must be the reason so many of the companies from Cali choose to relocate to Texas. Riiiiiight.

That guy wasn’t from Texas. He was from St. Louis.

Oh crap if they use Austin traffic to train Google self driving cars then all our autonomous cars in the future are going to travel under the speed limit in the left lane and constantly exit and re-enter the highways to save 30 seconds of commute time. They also will have no clue how to drive on roads without

In for people making a bunch of stereotypes about Texas, because they once changed planes in an airport here, or get all of their info from

Perry didn’t give anything more than any other states and their respective governors were offering. People in Cali love to blame Perry and Texas for “stealing” their companies away, but maybe they ought to look inwards first, to see just exactly why they lost those companies. Toyota didn’t just up and decide to

In the article announcing the GLA’s release, I made some snide remarks.

Gives me an excuse to post up mine. The car with 355 HP is already insane! but with 30 more?

I’m not sure I’m doing this right. haha. Anyway, I had an ‘88 Subaru GL. It certainly wasn’t as extreme as the example below, but, it had a lift kit and knobbly tires. And looked slightly more Mad Maxian because it was rusty and multicolored. It was remarkably competent as an off-roader though. It couldn’t keep up

Pretty please!

I’m still not quite sure how the adviser kept a straight face as he handed the ziploc bag with the dildo in it back to the customer.

or in the case of many underpasses in houston.. THEY ARE LABELED WITH A WATER DEPTH SIGN! Which is ignored...
“what does 10 mean on that giant ruler looking white reflective sign?” -Stupid Dead person

Or some spinners. Do they still make spinners?

First client sounds like he needs to buy a Roller if he wants his logos facing the same direction all the time.

1. co-worker in parts had an escape. Ticking noise, needed an engine after further inspection and submitting claim to ford for replace/repair. Co-worker in parts orders engine, 2.5 I-4. Put engine in, runs like shit. Remove and install another engine, still runs like shit.