Captain Daytrip

The worst part is that you know this person hangs out in the passing lane, despite that fact that it’s just as much against the law as speeding...

I was just thinking about this the other day: It just wouldn’t matter how skilled your engineers were - or how well funded - if you aren’t in the sport for long enough to know what you can and can’t get away with in regards to the rulebook you aren’t going to be be competitive.

Nah, Comanche Renegade....

I’ve never heard Extrudehone mischaracterized so inaccurately as to call it “cleaning”. And that is probably the root of the power improvement doubts.

The gist of the grounding was this “This here F-35 doesn’t get back into the air until it has been inspected. Then it’ll be good to go...” It was that simple: Check out the suspect fuel tube, then back to business.

Streets closed pizza boy! Find another way home.

Yeah but that’s a death trap. That could fail at anytime and who knows what happens. Most of these people are lucky it hasn’t failed at highway speeds. Also I'm assuming crash ratings are done with good welds (it's FCA so who knows). With those bad welds it could cause things to buckle incorrect and kill some one.

I actually did miss that. I apologize.

Hey, not everyone can be a comedian.  Keep practicing, you’ll get there bud! 

I’m bringing the popcorn!

It’s ok, I got your joke.


Until FCA starts excluding people for off-roading their Jeeps, thus negating the warranty

In most cases, yes, but with Wranglers, people buy new because buying used doesn’t make any financial sense.

Shitty frames are very much a Taco thing. 

Dat JEEP QC tho...

Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...

There are only two stills that matter.