Captain Daytrip

Who woulda thought an article about the SR-71 would trigger a bigoted, intolerant, anti-conservative, anti-Christian rant? Sad, but hardly unprecedented in the Gawker network.

Uhh that's not true. Just because someone believes God created the Earth doesn't mean they disagree with science. The Bible is not meant to be taken literally. So while there are a few wacky Republicans who are against teaching creationism in schools, they are few and far between. Additionally, this has literally no

just the angle, hers a side on shot that shows the door gap, but you're right about the handles being gone.


Not defending Blabla23, only showing you that apparently math is hard. What you are trying to get at is GDP per capital. Let's do some math!

With so much drama in the MBZ it's kinda hard naming models consistently.

SLC, that name should bring back memories.

I live in Wisconsin. It is pretty much all farm land. And any state owned parks is open to foot traffic only. If anyone knows of any places like this in my state that would be terrific!

That looks like a ton of fun. I'd love to take my Tribeca on trails like that. Unfortunately there aren't any trails like that where I live. Everything in the state is privately owned farmland.

I remember a guy in a Ford made in mexico and Brasil gave me shit for driving an "import" when he saw me with my Subaru made in Indiana

I will, British folk are more arrogant and rude than the internet suggests, so maybe it'll balance out. Thanks for the advice, all I'm concerned about is bath salt zombies.

I'm going to Orlando, doing all the parks, and heading out to Kennedy Space centre in the middle, there probably wont be much travelling afar as I'm only around for a week and staying on international drive in Orlando for the whole time.

The older Subaru's were even more fronted than that, they kept the spare wheel behind it.

This cutaway doesn't do it justice, but my 96 Impreza, the fly wheel was forward of the center line of the front wheels and the engine continued forward from there.

You call that an XT?

Once it has been seen, it cannot be unseen.

[A bison inspects a new Subaru in a new advertisement or something. Photo Credit: Subaru]