
Coming soon to a fascist dump (e.g. Virginia, Florida) near you.

Easier way to do it...

This is basically the worst rom-com ever. Tesla and Google want to mate, but they keep finding reasons not to. They could save us a lot of time by just hooking up and spooning afterwards.

And yet it’s all a bunch of smoke-and-mirrors Google bullsh*t that will probably never amount to any actual products or feasible projects of any kind. Just more free press and positive PR for Google. It’s their version of advertising. They dedicate a small amount of R&D budget for pie-in-the-sky projects that they

And so begins the evolution of a whole new genre of pickup lines.

I dunno, I’d argue that people notice details, they just don’t care about them or consider them anything but normal variation. Personally, one of my favorite things to explore with new partners are the little details about their body. There are so many delightful unique bits to everyone.

Flaccid, with foreskin, raised to see lower side of penis.

Around the turn of the 20th century you could buy a Radium-laced suspensory to cradle your testicles in the warm glow of alpha rays. For “...weak, sagging men”

Depends on what you’re injecting. Some drugs, like injectable steroids, require larger gauge needles because of their thick consistency. When I got such a shot directly into an inflamed tendon in my knee it hurt like hell — more so since the doc forgot to use the freezing spray they normally use to deaden sensation

Neither is any flu vaccine. It varies by region and strain so greatly that it’s very hard to pin down which strain they are going after in a particular year. This past flu season the CDC only rated the vaccines 18% effective.. and even that’s a stretch. Many other independent studies only show them being 2-6%

Patience. The age restriction will probably go away in 4 years.

Ya, we have these special evergreen trees that get planted with great precision across all the province borders, they have been genetically engineered by beavers to be a very destinct shade of green over the course of many many years.

It wasn’t until my current partner that I felt comfortable enough to say ‘stop that doesn’t feel good’ or ‘lets try with a little more lube,’ or ‘I am too sore for another go.’ Part of it was my own immaturity, and part of it was fear: fear of hurting the guy’s ego, or of being perceived as frigid. I had to be in a

This has literally nothing to do with the use of CGI. It’s about the quality of these movies.

I strongly disagree. I haven’t been happier in my life than when effects started to be more impressive, more detailed. I see a movie that is pure FX (2012, Transformers, Avengers, Jurassic World, Avatar, San Andreas, Interstellar, 2000-s StarWars) and i glee in delight of the FX and CGI used in it. It could be that Im

Easy. You used up your reserve of mature sperm, but kept ejaculating all the other components of semen.

Yes. And every time a woman swallows she’s committing cannibalistic genocide.

Meanwhile, my ovaries haven’t produced nuttin’ since birth. Lazy ovaries...

“Its battery life is great: I’ve been testing it out all week, and it definitely lives up to the company’s claim of a 2-to-3 hour charge.”

Giving porn sites your credit card number is a clear indication that you've given up, and your hunter/gatherer skills have been washed away by years of conditioning and suppressing your predatory instincts. A good forager will always find prime porn with only time being spent. All it takes is patience, tracking the