From someone who had E-coli poisoning from an undercooked burger, this is the correct answer.
From someone who had E-coli poisoning from an undercooked burger, this is the correct answer.
This needs all the stars. People ordering bloody burgers didn’t catch food poisoning, they ordered it.
I’m actually more annoyed when I get asked by a server how I would like my burger done. It’s not a steak! It’s ground beef. You could get yourself killed eating a pink burger if the internal temp isn’t high enough! Perhaps there is some healthy variation, but ordering it like a steak implies it would be healthy to…
I’m constantly flabbergasted by all these “Does the staff not like me?” questions in this column.
Between Trader Joes and the local farmer’s market, I never go to Whole Paycheck unless I have no choice.
I feel like the takeaway here is less that Whole Foods can have good deals, but that Safeway is nearly as badly overpriced (at least on non-sale items).
Great idea! Lets fight racism with more racism! /s
No thanks. I prefer businesses to have no particular racial bias at all.
So, the knee-jerk response is to further delineate people by race? Is this the melting pot for which we strive? I think not.
Thanks for asking. My answers, in the order they were asked....
Sweet Jesus, what a pointless time suck. I have a little bushel of identical white socks purchased from Costco. I have one basket with clean socks and one with dirty and, like a stinky hourglass, I wash a load when I run out of clean ones. I have more important things to worry about than socks.
Agreed, I line them together, roll and flip. They stay together you can throw them at the dog and it takes all of 5 seconds. Pass.
If you are that much of a sock whore that you need to implement a new folding system to keep your multiple styled socks in order, you have bigger problems. Aint no body got time for that!
I waited with bated breath to see how your man would handle the white ankle socks in the upper left corner of the screen (most of my socks are ankle- or quarter-length). However, that part of the video ends at 1:05 — just as he finishes folding all the other socks at triple speed. So, this mystery remains unsolved.
Best? I think not.
If you use the packets, the color is more intense, you can paint it on anywhere on your head, and there’s no stickiness because you don’t add sugar.
When filming The Wizard of Oz, they used Jell-O on the Horse of Many Colors. Had to keep re-applying because the horse kept licking it off.
I agree, they aren’t right for each other and he should just move on. The fact they go for days without talking is probably the biggest indicator that he shouldn’t have proposed.
That would be foolish. The Frozen short isn’t great, but it’s entertaining. Coco is very, very good, although predictable in the last third. Since they’re both part of the Pixar franchise, I don’t see how anybody would be offended. The Frozen short (which, yeah, ain’t all that short) is advertised on all the posters…
All three are the worst. ...and I say that as someone who uses microdermabrasion crystals two days before a mandelic acid peel..monthly.