soft black star

I’ve updated my Pixel 3a a few days ago and still hate the new Android 12. I preferred quick settings and notifications menu (that you pull down from the top), as now it seems very bulky and is also stuck in dark mode for me, even though my device is set on light. Switching between apps took place of the app drawer,

Ah yes, especially reading this site, where every article is interrupted with videos, links, and dozens of ads. It’s a real lifesaver.

I tried it once, wasted a day and earned an equivalent of 75 cents. Also, create a dedicated email account for this kind of ventures, I was careless enough to use my usual email, and now get about 50 spam emails every single day. It's not worth it.

As a very important note, only use regular WHITE cane sugar: not organic (may not be completely free of molasses, which is great for humans but poisonous to hummingbirds because of iron), not brown, coconut, etc. Most definitely do NOT use honey! Just use plain white sugar.

Right.. There’s a drastic difference between keeping your shoes on or taking them off inside the house. I’ll never understand why some people don’t take the shoes off, there’s way too much dust and dirt on those, not to mention bits and pieces of other stuff you walk over while outside.

Wish there weren’t that expensive.. you can get a reusable full-size bag for $1.99, and here are 5 small ones for $12? I'd need at least 10 of those.

Wish there weren’t that expensive.. you can get a reusable full-size bag for $1.99, and here are 5 small ones for

Some quality title gore material here.. Support someone by being infertile.

Lifehacker isn't exactly helping by posting deals every single day of the year... 

Damn, The Killing: Seasons 1-3... Which I promptly watched. And I was sure that season 4 is going to stay, but alas Lifehacker isn't a reliable source of information, and now it's gone. All seasons are gone, including the 4th you forgot to mention :((

Instructions unclear, forgot the mnemonic devices.. 

That's the correct answer right here. I'd gladly eat my steak medium done, but ground meat should be cooked all the way through. 

I’m so glad the closest stores to me are Ralphs and Trader Joe’s. Both have much better prices, especially when you use Ralphs’ loyalty program.

But then again you’re implying that you’re more likely to receive better service from someone of your own race. It’s no different than “whites are treated better by whites”. Should I expect bad service and feel safe only in a white-owned business if I’m Caucasian?

Also don’t forget to use sunscreen (as some people believe you need to get out in the sun without any protection to get the UVB radiation dose), even on a cloudy day. Clinical studies have never found that everyday sunscreen use leads to vitamin D insufficiency. In fact, the prevailing studies show that people who use

Iced coffee ≠ coffee that was brewed hot and then cooled down. Have mercy!

That’s ridiculous. The fact that I will look up the race of the business owner and then prefer this business based on that is WRONG.

Looks like Gnoswal’s trap for the “sock whores” worked. Go figure.

I deeply regret spontaneously getting a Movie Pass gift, as I did that before reading through the process of obtaining the tickets, possible problems, participating theatres, etc. Their customer service just said that they can’t refund my $29.95, only change it to a different user. Worst money I’ve ever spent.

Or you can learn that Japanese (?) method (just google “how to fold a t-shirt fast”) and do 12 t-shirts in 1 minute. Once you get a hang of it, it’s ridiculously fast.

Or you can learn that Japanese (?) method (just google “how to fold a t-shirt fast”) and do 12 t-shirts in 1 minute.

I don’t mind trying it, but who the heck names the articles here? “I tried this and you have to try it too”, “This is your favorite new thing”, and so on. It’s not even a recommendation anymore. Actually, probably won’t try it now just out of principle.