
or we could just be smart and say that a persistent high pressure system blocked Harvey’s path and caused it to stall in an area where it could keep feeding on the gulf causing much more rain to fall in one place than a hurricane that keeps moving along its path over land would have. The damage Harvey did has

Sorry, I’m calling Bullshit on this.

Wrong, it’s not well known. What do we have to go on, proxy records that by there nature have to be interpreted and are by no means accurate. Surface records that are so flawed that they cannot be trusted, even if they were you would have to blanket the globe with an even distribution of the exact same instrument to

Even if climate change increased the intensity of Gulf Coast hurricanes, the human toll is 100% self inflicted. We reduced our marshlands, built our economy on a flat plain made of clay and our government officials did not plan for 500 year floods that occurred more frequently than 500 years.