my spirit animus is a goofy bunny

My husband had the joy of working with Mme. Varda some years back on the Koch Lorber release of Umbrellas of Cherbourg.  She was instrumental in restoring some of the scenes which had been damaged or missing for years, by which I mean she dug through old film canisters and found originals or as near as could be

Now playing

I was told for years that diet and exercise would work. NOPE. Lost 50 lbs since January, began walking about 1 1/2 miles every Sunday morning, and pretty much stopped eating anything fun because metformin has ruined my tastebuds. :( Oh! I also had a bad Vitamin D deficiency which was only fixed by spending more time

“Embracing celibacy” = putting out a press statement so maybe your teenage son doesn’t keep wondering after finding your 19 yr old self on porn sites?

I hope you - and others reading - are able to find some relief. I’ve been using gelatinized maca root powder in my breakfast shake, it might be helping. Might also be the metformin I now take for obvious but undiagnosed metabolic syndrome - it has definite psychoactive effects on some people, and I’m hypersensitive to

My husband made me watch it twice today. He’s a goddamn fanboy, loves her pop music, and spent an hour last night picking apart the video while turning around to explain to me why “13" is so important! Meanwhile I’m bored, because it’s all been done before, largely before T Swizz was born. I’m betting she’s going to

I do quite like her voice on this track, but otherwise find it horribly unoriginal. Barely made it through, and only because I know my husband will subject me to it if I don’t listen on my own.

You just described my sister-in-law. Thank you. I was starting to think it was *just* me who wasn’t quite right, but no, it’s her, too.

For some reason I never owned any SY albums, but I do have Ciccone Youth on vinyl. Still my favorite version of “Like A Virgin.”

How lucky to get such wonderful news! I’m happy for them and you.

Sounds to me like some jewelry designer just discovered Story of O. Crotch charms are nothing new, though they usually involve piercing.

I want Jon Snow (see? no spoiler) for my living room wall. Gorgeous art, such talent.

Poor Tyene. I’m unsure if the show’s writers remember her name either, as they’ve done nothing worthwhile with her. A death like this for book-Tyene would likely be a slow one, as she is a master of poisons and likely has built up tolerance to the ones she uses. I can’t recall if they gave this detail to her on the

Degrassi did it.

Trump reminds me of my husband’s obnoxious coworker. Just because one laughs while saying horrible things doesn’t make one’s words a joke.

Bubblegum, bubblegum in a dish/How many pieces do you wish?

I learned Miss Suzy as a clapping game, taught it to my Brownie troop while waiting to get into a museum. :)

That’s some passive-aggressive bullshit. My in-laws pulled that shit repeatedly over the past 20+ years, even putting MY belongings out for trash and then claiming they didn’t know it wasn’t theirs. IT WAS IN MY BACK PORCH.

The only surprise here was how ridiculously small it is.

We’ve been here fore over 100 years, Tucker. GFY.

This is why my daughter always had her own system - usually Nintendo - and was never allowed near any of mine without supervision. Also, get your kid off the stone counter before he slips and cracks his skull on it.