This is going to be a glorious mess and I am here for it.
This is going to be a glorious mess and I am here for it.
Genuinely stunning trailer. Holy shit.
Whether it turns out to be a masterpiece or an ambitious failure, either way this seems worth watching. I just hope it gets a wide enough release that I can see this in a theater.
I thought of Nero when I saw those bangs.
Scorcese can make the utterly dispicable look gorgeous.
A character that can control time isn’t what I was expecting. A bit tired of narratives containing the supra-natural.
looks wild i can’t wait.
I absolutely love that skyscraper shadow bit. My interest is properly piqued.
It’s probably going to let me down, but I am legitimately excited to see this.
“What happened to Gadd was awful. The fact that people took his story and immediately turned it into an exploitative media sensation is awful.“
“Countryside is the term for the murder of Piers Morgan” -Jeremy Clarkson
Trust me, Americans have been trying to get rid of him since you did, but fucker is like a cockroach.
Elon Musk has told his staff that, internally, they are now supposed to call a “tweet” an “x” instead. But I really can’t see how the whole user base will start using it as a verb too. (“I exed earlier this morning, and I think I will ex later today. I need to ex back to the person who exed me.”) Sometimes it seems…
there can never be any societal success with capitalism only individual. Capitalism is nothing but greed and exploitation, these rich people and their actions are showing capitalism for exactly what it is
Considering he “stepped down” fro being CEO of Twitter, he still seems very active in it.
Why is it that the richest people are always the best examples of the failures of capitalism?
I’ve seen the new logo. It’s less of an “X” and more of reversed pin wheel shape inside a white circle on a blood red background. I guess a bunch of Musk fans wear it now on their sleeves when they march around.
Elon: “Tesla employees who have time for exercise are clearly not working hard enough, and will be immediately terminated.”
Yep, and it has been quite the long con too. A lot of these demons have been conditioning us that they are good people and they worked hard for their wealth like the working class, while robbing all of us blind, as well as making sure the government is on their side for an easy bailout if they even got a passing whiff…
Surest sign yet that Musk is surrounded only by yes-men who won’t push back on even the dumbest ideas.