
I like "nibling". I've read "nebling" as a catchall for any relative with some complicated relationship to you (second cousin thrice removed and such).

I like "sie" and "hir". They're easy to pronounce ("see" and "hear"), you only need those two ("they" serves for the plural), and they don't have the "xe" problem of using an x in a way that, to the best of my knowledge, no other English word does. I am aware that they're not happening, but I can have my dream.

I wanted gender neutral pronouns to take over in order to preserve agreements between subjects and verbs, but it hasn't happened and I'm not holding my breath for it. People already use a singular "they" fairly commonly without thinking about it, so that's what's happening.


All this editing is tiring. I'd better take a little break to read some Wittgenstein.

Don't forget to do all your shopping

Do you see audience interaction as necessarily being filler, though, or are you just saying that about the Ansari special? I love good crowd work and I don't see it as inherently lesser than written material.

Does Beck get in on that soundtrack?

Many men become more handsome as they age. In any case, someone of any age can fill a partner with desire, even if they're supposedly not good-looking. It's all about hearts and minds, so to speak. That's where I might imagine that this sort of abuser falls flat. Does O'Reilly ever talk to anybody, at any time,

Man, they faced an actual Prisoner's Dilemma and won. Hell of a story.

That said, this could sit comfortably on Get Lonely in a sonic (if not thematic) sense.

OK, I figure that I misunderstood you. I was reacting to something that you weren't saying, so never mind.

You can get glass bottles for that purpose if you prefer it. I got one for making milk from powder (I just don't need buttermilk all that often).

I worked with an autistic teen until recently. His family went through a sack of milk bags basically every day. Four kids, cereal, chocolate syrup, etc. Families need this stuff in bulk.

Ignore them? Milk is clearly more important than some flash in the pan meme. Internet Nazis can claim things in the same sense that the pizzeria around the corner can claim to be "world famous". Who cares? I can't imagine that people are walking around, seriously wondering if every milk drinker around them is

The problem is the crazy markup. The bags are the only way to get milk at a reasonable price. I lived alone last year and dealt with it by just forcing a lot of milk into my diet so that I could buy the bags.

I think it's because plastic has a tendency to degrade with long use. A certain number of uses would be fine, but then they'd have to switch them out. Glass, so long as it doesn't break, is sturdier in that respect.

I think he's going by Kirino Sucks these days.

Heh. The hardness wasn't as much of a problem as the finishing.

Yeah, that's the curse of how we look at time. It'd be a lot easier if we could see larger stretches of our personal timeline at once.