
I'm in London ON, which is a city of a bit under 400,000 that's rather more spread out than that number would suggest (it grew partially by annexing nearby villages, so it sprawls). The buses are decent during the day, but they're the only game in town (no subway, light rail, trolleys, etc.) and the last routes

I don't follow podcasts, so I haven't heard of it. This sounds right, though.

It's too bad that such a pleasant-looking hat gets consigned to history. I like my Panama hats, but those are for summer weather. It'd be nice to have a more formal hat with a bit of jauntiness to it. Ah well, maybe if I get into money I'll get one anyway and enjoy looking like I'm about to be robbed of my

True enough. If you never tie it back, it'll just be a rat's nest. I wonder if pro wrestlers have to go brush the shit out of it after every match.

I'm going to guess that Clayton's probably not reading the comments (or, if so, not exactly hanging on every word), but I have a question for him just in case.

All of those things are things that I did in high school too. In fact, I still wear long hair unsecured whenever I feel like it. Is that supposed to be against some fashion rule?

If you're wearing a proper suit and coat, the fedora looks proper. I used to experiment with combining them with various outfits, but they only really look good as outerwear with some sort of greatcoat or trenchcoat. If you did wear one that way, I guarantee that very few people would think it douchey.

There's an interesting source of plot wrinkles. The value and scarcity of good seeds could lead to scrounging for naturally-occurring plants in order to harvest their seeds, agricultural trades as a major aspect of diplomacy, etc.

I'm basing this in personal experience. I've seen friends and family members go this way. It seems to point at something bigger and harder to define in the human mind. Is it as fundamental as how we manage fear?

Their debate and election coverage was too damn funny, depressing as the circumstances were. Jones sounds like Boomhauer when he gets tired and starts mumbling. He has unrecognizable guest experts, he cries and has his broadcast crew comforting him on his strength, and he just makes things up on-air that he later

It has tended to be hard to place Infowars on traditional political spectra over the years. They're basically eschatological libertarians, if that makes sense. They dislike any encroachment on either their rights or their culture/worldview, which results in as many paradoxes and contradictions as you might imagine.

I can remember the early days of the World Wide Web where there were all of these nasty rumours about the internet having ads. Some people swore it wouldn't happen.

How long into the apocalypse? Is it the kind of thing that renders land non-arable? The food question is a huge one and it depends on tons of factors.

I think Tom Yum Goong has explosions? It's muay thai, not kung fu, but it is a martial arts movie.

Perhaps it would make sense for a map to have landmarks, but no indication of what (if anything) might happen there. That allows one to use it for navigation, but actually finding plot-relevant things to do would require paying attention to the game.

I'm sure it's lots of fun for the kid right now. We'll see where they leave him in a couple of years.

It's certainly melancholy, but you kind of have to grade the happiness of Radiohead songs on a curve. It always felt like a song that just had a whole bunch of opposed elements whirling around an enigmatically calm centre, so I think of it as at least containing some serenity and grace. (There's still tons of

It'll be a mystery forever now, the impetus behind his metamorphosis. Is this just what happens when you have severe dysmorphia and no limits? I've met some extreme body modification sorts before, but you can still recognize their faces.

Ooh, good one. That's one of their absolute bleakest.

"Scatterbrain" isn't a million miles away from happiness, at least.