
I've been thinking about how many roles filled by professional specialists in the modern day used to be taken on by people who claimed spiritual authority. The idea that people had needs beyond the physical didn't suddenly spring up out of nowhere in the 19th century, but previous centuries/millennia conceptualized

- Jeff Jarrett, probably

You're in for a real treat today! We've brought in a special guest who says he can answer both of your questions in a single word. Take it away, Ogre:

Do you have anyone who can roleplay a mock interview with you? There are a bunch of possible reasons why an interview can go south. If you have some idea as to what's tanking them, then you can proceed to the next stage; if not, though, it'd be a good idea to try it without the pressure of an actual job on the line

That's a pretty strong argument. As per the site, though, you could also characterize him as falling into the lower sector*. Ambition and Power definitely apply as things that seem to drive him. Chaotic Neutral / Sybaritic he may be now, but that's a dangerous precipice over an alignment shift (and loss of XP, if

That's not necessarily a problem for me. I liked Wuthering Heights back in the day and none of the leads are very sympathetic in that one. I can sympathize with Elizabeth Bennett, but the setting and content of her story is hard for me to like. If this helps make sense of it, I'll mention that I tend to hope,

Join us in our proud tradition of hoping that people will eventually forget about Bob Rae!

"Unaligned", as per 4th Ed, fits him pretty well. I don't think he has allegiance to any ideal beyond that of his own personal success.

Oh, I certainly understand that. I know that much of Austen's intent is satirical. It's just that the subject matter itself is a barrier to entry for me, even though she's making fun of it. I've never been good with the whole comedy of manners form because of it. That's why I think that I need to work myself into

Everyone's idea of sexiness is personal to them. A well-fitting pair of silk slacks might be the most tasteful way to show off a man's legs in a general environment. There's something sort of subtly tantalizing about them. They're basically the pant version of a pencil skirt, I think.

Holy shit, I'm an idiot. What the hell was the book I was thinking of, then? I know there was one by Austen that I had heard was more my style. Off to research and correct really basic gaps in my knowledge.

This is what I've heard. I figure that if I'm not grabbed by her most popular book, I may well still be grabbed by one of her best ones (from what I've heard).

See, the thing is that I actually like romance, but I'm pretty picky about it. I have to be into the story for other reasons before I can get into the romance; I'm not very good with stuff where the love story is the whole show.

I like footnotes better than endnotes. When you direct me to look at something in reference to what you just wrote, I want to glance at it right away. Endnotes put a bunch of pages in the way of doing that.

One day, I intend to take a serious whack at reading more than one page of her work without going and doing literally anything else. I know that she's a true original and a positive font of influence. It's just that the only one that was on the syllabus for any given class was Pride and Prejudice and my feelings

Nehru collars, guayaberas, silk slacks, rounded glasses, and (depending on several factors) tight boxer briefs.

I love how practically everybody in this comment section is just naturally falling into the roles of the sniggering unbelievers who will get our comeuppance near the end of the comic. At least we'll all know to yell YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA on our way to the Lake of Fire.

I wouldn't be so sure. Religion is funny that way. People gain or lose religious conviction somewhat independently of political affiliation. Since I stopped going to church (when I was an older teenager) and became an atheist, most of the Christians I've known closely have been centrist to leftist. Politics might

Some Fundamentalist Protestants have accused Catholics of idol worship due to their saints and their intercessory prayers to Mary. The same group also tends to take a hardline faith-before-works stance (Jack Chick being the poster boy for this, as he made a large number of tracts specifically devoted to this theme)

(I think Hooded Justice was quoting Addams Family,)