
That's hardly a generational thing. I get looking at youth culture with a jaundiced eye, but it's been superficial and flighty since it was (arguably) incepted at some point in the 19th century. The fops never really leave.

"Tell me more about describe player"

On the other hand, the "Amy Goes Deep" sections where she interviews a person of note are consistently my favourite part of the show, and those are presumably edited together from a largely-improvised interaction. She has a quick wit and she's great with reactions, so I don't think it's just the writers.

I don't disagree with any of your points and I think it'd be awesome to hear a real Hammond at a legendary ballpark. I understand why the organist would want to go digital, though, if for no reason other than having a file of programmable registrations. He's got to make those changes fast when he's playing. Add in

As I recall, Clint Eastwood was supposedly going to play Two-Face if there had been another season. I'm a little suspicious of this being true solely because even the possibility is too good for our sad world.

We had the Mario typing game when I was a kid. It did not help us with our typing.

I doubt the club would pay enough to keep one of those serviced (assuming that you're talking about an actual tonewheel, not a Hammond-branded digital model) and I'd personally be worried, were I the organist, about it going down mid-game. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that the organist's

It works well in hockey at various points, but it really needs to be provided by an organist. The only recorded music that actually needs to be at a hockey game is Stompin' Tom.

Culture aside, I can't stand Reddit's UI for some reason. It just looks so unappealing.

There was a comment on the official "Blackstar" video that stuck with me. The commenter talked about how hearing Bowie singing at the beginning of the second main section ("something happened on the day he died") brought him right back to walking on the beach with a transistor radio in the early '70s, listening to

We had that one when I was a kid! It's not worth as much money as quoted, but it is indeed pretty cool.

For the better part of a year after my brother died, I couldn't write songs. Music was fine, but the only lyrics I could come out with were grief songs that were not good enough to finish or play for anyone. One morning, though, I had the familiar feeling and managed to write something very short. It's been slow

Go for it. Just finishing a song, even if you can't like it right away because of how long it took, is a solid checkmark in your personal Win column. It'll definitely be worth the time.

Does anybody in the production have connections with big names in your local theatrical community? Getting one of them to previews early on could pay dividends and doesn't cost money. I know some names around my town whose recommendation can definitely get people into seats, so I figure that the same is probably

There's that bit in Blades of Glory where a fast-paced chase on ice skates becomes a struggle to move a foot at a time once they get off of the ice.

They're a band about whom an AVC article was written boosting their new-at-the-time album some years back. Given that it was unusual to have a non-review article gushing about a band, commenters started the joke of talking about Dawes in absurdly glowing terms. This happened nearly constantly for a long time (I was

"BUST A DEAL AND FACE THE WHEEL" is a pretty solid legal principle, admittedly.

Adam Warren ended up reviving his career by turning his pin-ups for hire into a comic. Now it's his full-time job.

Both of those things aren't necessarily things he can't do, mind you, so much as they're things that haven't come up.