
I shall, provided that the answer isn't deathly boring. Maybe I should just leave it be and let the legend live on after me.

That was my first thought, but I never use autoplay. Maybe I clicked on some playlist and the sound wasn't on? But the sound is always on! This is starting to sound like a tech support chat for a customer who's currently switching dimensions.

My password is maybe slightly better than that. The strange thing is that the search history didn't have anything new, so it would have had to have been done entirely through hopping from one video to another. Given that I wasn't drinking and I have no idea when exactly it happened, I'm starting to wonder if Project

My YouTube search history had a gigantic string of videos that I didn't recognize that must have been watched perhaps two days ago. I'm alone (but my brother has a key) and I don't think that I'm signed in on any devices that aren't around me. My question is whether or not ghosts are known to be really into Adele

Technically, those are supposed to apply to the dying person, not the bereaved, but they're useful for the latter as well. If you check out the Wikipedia article on grief, the "Five identities of grievers" section is an introduction to another interesting way of looking at it.

I feel like I should warn you about something. I have a highly analytical bent myself and I can tell you that it is of sharply limited value as a protection against grief. The urge to rail against death isn't the part that makes it have a huge impact on you.

I've been wondering how he's been doing. He's doing well if he can write something this cogent. Trying to finish anything of length and substance is hellish when you're grieving

It really doesn't hurt to have an excellent organizer. Every A-Team needs their Hannibal.

Superman's near-instantaneous transportation capacity would be a huge deal, but I imagine that his main duties would be in space. Having somebody who can get up and down there so quickly without equipment would, if nothing else, revolutionize our satellite infrastructure. We could have spaceships without rockets

It's not a matter of not having a position, though. It's a matter of having a position that isn't thuddingly obvious. To use Miller again, the issue with him is that he swallowed the Republican party line whole and started saying exactly what you would expect. Comedy requires a specific and personal worldview if

It makes sense. These two massive parties simply aren't enough to contain the range of views belonging to its members without voting blocs cropping up naturally. The most logical way for leftists to change the Democrats' direction in their favour is to prove themselves as a large and consistent force within the

Well said. It helps to take the long view on these things. Sanders wasn't the greatest candidate of all time and didn't have a huge shot at winning, but it's potentially a sign of good things that he did as well as he did. Who knows what kind of candidate demographic and cultural shifts might bring your country in

I work with an autistic and nonverbal teenager and I'm constantly grateful that he gets to go to high school. There are issues, in that I really think he has more potential and that they could be pushing him to learn a bit more, but he seems to love school and misses it when he isn't going. I wonder what he'll do

I don't get why people keep saying this. Given that the rest of what you're saying is true, having a figurehead with executive power doesn't automatically lead to inaction. It's more likely to create a vacuum for some unknown and unelected person to use said figurehead to achieve unknown aims. Do you really want

Back around when Top Five was released, I read a great interview with Chris Rock. His comment about political comedy stuck with me. He said, basically, that the problem with coming to comedy with a clear political position is that you lose the element of surprise. Everybody knows what kind of jokes you're going to

Any reality, eh? Even the reality where the global economy is based on World Series Poker? Even the reality where acid rain has destroyed civilization? Even the Amish Domination scenario?

This one has the most interesting style yet. I love the transitions. There's no real sense in evaluating the story until the end of the run, as there currently isn't much of one, but I'm interested.

Just pretend that you're talking about Kazakhstan instead of the past and you've literally written a Borat joke there.

When you start going down tangents to obscure topics and especially if you start looking at English-language articles about things that aren't in English, the lack of attention starts to become very clear. Lots of articles are obviously written by a single person, more or less, and their particular style and phrasing

It's genuinely the worst. It relies on either meme humour, which is almost inherently irredeemable, or reference humour. Reference humour has to be done very well in order to be good, and the format makes that essentially impossible. The reader usually sees the image first, which structurally turns the caption into