
If you're going to stoop, you have to do it in the right direction. Right now, Trump's strategy is working pretty well because he's managed to appeal to two different concepts; specifically, he appeals to hope and hate. He stokes hate at the rallies and uses it to fuel a vision of the future. It's the fallen

It's pretty easy, too. The trick is finding the right coat and sewing some epaulettes on the shoulders. For the hat, you can either use an old-fashioned soldier's cap or a top hat. I went with the latter, as I already had an appropriately ostentatious one left over from a Mad Hatter costume. Good idea on the group

I thought it was funny how Cumberbatch is apparently the only Brit on set that wasn't allowed to use his own accent. Just let Strange be British. Being American has basically no relevance to his character at all, as far as I know. He could be from anywhere.

Lean and muscular, like corned beef?

Cosigned. I'm not going to special lengths just to watch an advertisement. Canada will be here when you deign to remember us, marketers.

For years, Emperor Norton I has been one of my most useful sources for trivia when making small talk. He also served as one of my best Halloween costumes. What I'm saying is his life has probably been far more useful, especially in terms of relative upkeep, than most actual emperors. All hail his Imperial Majesty.

"Buzzfeed" isn't too far off from someone who could have been in a Ninja Turtles cartoon.

The audiences weren't really making a valid point, though. Your original ending (as you describe it) wasn't a problem to be fixed, it was a part of the plot. Test audiences want a lot of stupid things. From what I've read here, it sounds like your ending went from being difficult and intriguing to being dangerous

Eh. I have an OK big picture understanding, but I'm weak on the details. Every week brings up something fascinating that I hadn't known about. I think the problem is simply that history and the pedagogy thereof tends to be such a battlefield that people don't even have common ground to discuss their

They both definitely see the left as active agents of harm in society. It's just for different reasons. NWO conspiracists like Jones seem to see individuals (that are not politicians) who adhere to leftist ideals as deluded, though they allow for the notion that their hearts are in the right place. The alt-right

I'll try to take that as a compliment!

Jones doesn't seem to fit with the alt-right. He predates them by a fair bit and seems to have a different set of concerns. Basically, Jones is a libertarian with a conviction that practically everything he sees fits into this narrative of a secret global fascist government trying to come into being. The alt-right

You're talking about current members of the Democratic party as if campaigning under that name makes them party to actions that mostly happened before they were born. It's not "their own" history, it's the history of people who are almost entirely dead. A party (or a nation, for that matter) is not a person, it's a

It'd be one thing if this movie didn't know how to depict depression at all and it just came off as comical. It's the possibility that it got close enough to the reality to be discernible and still went with heroic suicide as an ending that's a bit concerning. I don't think that this will inspire copycats or

I had to go searching to find spoilers for Sea of Trees, but it was worth it. I think I laughed for a full minute when I read about the twist.

It's kind of interesting that talking points regarding each party's pre-Civil War stances and their applicability to the modern day have proved so pernicious.

I'm sure they ran, but, you know, bears are fast when they want to be.

I reconnected with an old friend recently and we swapped bad dating stories. She told me that she had tried for a little while because she had thought that guys who actually put money into subscribing to a dating site would be more serious about it than guys who just signed up for PoF or whatever. As it

The main problem with Twitter is that it's a machine that turns electricity into abuse. The secondary problem with Twitter is that its format seems to be almost inherently inimical to coherence. Whenever I see someone trying to actually make a substantial point on Twitter, they inevitably have to either awkwardly