
Abstract but true!

Honestly, I'm not really sure who "them" is in this case.

I've been wondering that myself. I actually don't know whether those near-$1000 prices were official or not. I've never been to a Broadway show, so I don't have much of a sense for pricing.

Who can get away with a racist cannibal joke in this day and age?

I was there. That was the angriest Hatesong comment section ever, and it was pretty clear that was going to be the case about halfway through the interview. That guy was terrible.

That's part of why this argument is weird to me. It's two companies who don't pay artists enough trying not to admit that. If Youtube actually paid well, the whole auto-detection thing would make it way more lucrative for artists than sticking the songs behind a paywall.

Corporal. I think capital punishment is fatal (taken literally, a beheading).

As a sentient pool of sweat, I gotta disagree. The socks just end up getting soaked and terrible. I'd have to change socks constantly in order to gain any benefit from that system.

I've been able to stay relaxed in the knowledge that I will never, ever be able to afford and justify seeing a Broadway hit in its first run. It's so far from anything that could happen in my world that being sad about something like that would be like being sad about how it doesn't generally rain doughnuts. Good

I genuinely don't see what needs to be defended. What's wrong with Chenoweth?

It's the main factor, in my opinion. Streaming with fair pay would be a fucking godsend, far better in every way than the old model. Smaller bands/artists would be doing so much better than they would have either now or in the 90s.

If what I've heard is true, Youtube auto-detects songs wherever they show up (if it's a clip beyond a certain length), which is why people uploading videos with verboten songs get takedown notices really quickly. I'm led to believe that those plays count the same as any others when it comes to figuring out payout.

Now I'm trying to think of a fruit that isn't vegan.

It's the famous "ground bass". You can hear it in "Dido's Lament". This is a vast overreach of intellectual property law.

I have a feeling that this trustee won't be hearing from the estate of Henry Purcell. Seriously, this is fatuous.

Did you try the Johnny Human Torch costume the next year?

I had fun the whole time with it. It was pretty much just what I was hoping for. The best character was the yakuza guy; Outlaw Vern's review pointed out how he has his own mostly-silent little storyline that ends as satisfyingly as it possibly could.

Zoe Bell as the hot-headed one (reasons for imprisonment: killed several people in an illegal underground fighting ring; only surviving convict from a massive shootout at a botched bank job).

It does have a bit of that gloriously excessive HK action spirit at times. The assassins' hotel especially smacks of this to me.

That was the only thing that gave me any reservation about it. It's not like it's winking or meta, but it definitely has an awareness of itself and its genre.