
It is strange how that keeps happening with Pixar. Is it as simple as the fact that upper management there is pretty small in number and male-dominated? When you have the same few guys working with all of the stories, it's likely that you're going to see some things reproduced from movie to movie.

God Hand must be floating above that pyramid like the All-Seeing Eye, then. Show me another game where the protagonist childishly mocks his opponent by just repeating what he says in an annoying voice!

Inside Out isn't about boys either, really. It's kind of about humans as a whole, but it's definitely not boy-centric.

Even "of" would have been better.

Your examples just deepen the question. Those attacks were linked to their responsible organizations by more than just a claim. Buying illegal arms seems to be something that requires actual connections. Look at Breivik going to Prague just to buy illegal arms and failing at it because no one would deal with him.

I've read that Paul's epistles have been very badly mistranslated on this point. There's a recent translation out performed by a scholar of the language (as opposed to a theologian) that takes the Dead Sea Scrolls into account. It states that the passage that seems like Paul talking about how women shouldn't preach

Indeed, you could go beyond "several" to "a vast majority". In the context of mass shootings in the US, Muslims hardly make up a spike in the data. Muslim shooters get all of the press because it makes for an easy narrative, but if I've read the numbers correctly, it's mostly people raised Christian or secular (as

I would love to see George Washington's reaction to a modern gun in action. "In truth, this weapon looks strange to my eyes, but an honest arm yet it remains JESUS CHRIST HOW FUCKING FAST DOES THIS THING SHOOT"

What's the common thread if someone claims allegiance to two groups that are opposed to each other? Which is it? Is it even either of them? Was the shooter confused about this?

I mean, the best way is always prevention. Things can get better than this. Shootings can stop happening very frequently at all. Until that point, though, damage containment is of inestimable value to the people whose lives are saved by it.

Depends on who you ask, but yes, it does seem to be generally accepted.

I believe 2 = two-spirited, which is a specific gender identity in some First Nations cultures.

Have you seen any difference when people who do know guns and favour gun control argue with people who are against gun control? I've been around for a good number of those arguments and I haven't seen it make a whit of difference. I generally agree that serious debate requires understanding one's topic, but I

Yep. I'm in Canada. First heard about it through a Facebook post, read about it on the BBC website. There's no doubt that this is news far outside of the US.

Basically, I think you're focusing on the wrong thing. The concentrated location isn't the important part of the deaths. When someone attacks a group to which you or people you care about belong, there's a connection there that has nothing to do with geography. There's empathy for the death and pain that's

I usually don't make it out (and I'm pretty quiet about my bisexuality in general), but I have to do it this year. I'm in an incredibly safe demographic in an incredibly safe city in an incredibly safe country. It's a chance that so many people don't get. You're the brave one if you make it out to your parade.

I remember how I felt when I found out there were Buddhist terrorists. Buddhists! The religion that's about renouncing desire to transcend suffering! You can make any religion into a reason to kill someone if you put your mind to it.

Admit it: you just want to see people fanning the hammer cowboy-style when they get into gunfights.

Targeted non-lethal options might be an improvement for security in situations like that. Disabling the attacker is a win in such a case, and non-lethal weaponry is generally significantly less likely to cause unintended casualties. What options, though? Gas is out of the question, as there are too many people

I think that's what was intended by "existential threat". It's "existential" as in "a threat to your existence", not something to do with abstract philosophy. I still disagree with Pez, though, as though this obviously isn't an existential threat for the US, it certainly comes off as one for an individual person's