
If we waste any more time on "weeaboo", we'll be bankrupt by the end of the month!

When I was a teenager, I was as addled by hormones as anyone. Sex and love and anxiety over those things filled my mind for years on end. I think I had, like, ten crushes at the same time.

It's definitely one of those situations where the pressure to keep quiet is immense. I think practically everyone who suffers from intrusive thoughts fears exactly the situation you just described, where you finally tell someone about it and they confirm that you are indeed terrible. (I like how her advice included

My mom and I are both white. She is currently in a relationship with a black man down in North Carolina, so I visited the two of them Christmas before last. He thought it was funny that we refused to say the n-word and found gentle ways to tease us about it (offering a certain kind of nut and watching us try to

Who knew that the trick was a regular bowl of good old Colon Blow?

This might be the first thing you tried, but: elevate your legs when you're lying down for a good ten minutes when you're trying to sleep. Go for roughly 45 degrees. I've been doing it lately and it seems to help a bit.

Kegels? Work on your pelvic floor like a 24 year old powerlifter. Might help.

There are lots, but the one on my mind is the concept that I call "the dark seed" because I'm not sure of a proper name for it. In short, it's the idea that people can have intrinsic and irreversible moral deficiencies; in other words, it's the belief that a person can be born or raised to be irrevocably evil. It

I remember some of those drubbings you're talking about. I also remember that I was generally a bit more interested in them than I tend to be in the superhero coverage.

Jesus, what a debacle. I'd like to not blame him for that, but it would be impossible. He totally could tamped down on that crowd right at the beginning and set a different tone for the show. The warm-up comic did what he could, but the actual host has a surprising amount of control over an audience if they choose

From about 8-10 years of age, I was given drugs at school for ADD. They started with Ritalin, but I got a bunch of side effects and it didn't seem to have any positive effects. They switched me to Dexedrine; the main thing I remember about that was having a nightmare the night after I switched about a hard fiery

He'd eat it up. Our age would have given him an unprecedented ability to fuck around in public.

They do show up, but usually waaaaaay after all of the regulars have left the thread. I usually only see them because I'm almost always late.

I'm in Canada. It's made its way here too. You might want to consider some kind of quarantine before it's too late.

Man, I remember the timeline of the far future from a few years back. That's going to be a fun article. I've always wondered what people with eschatological faiths think of that concept.

The rule is apparently that he has to be mentioned in every fucking conversation ever. I could easily do with never, ever hearing about the guy again. His name itself has hit semantic satiation for me. It's like a world of people going "did you hear what blah blah blah said last night? What a dick, etc." to me.

I really like the art style, but the content is just such a softball (and people thought that Known Spaces was thin). I have a good feeling about this strip, in that I think that it'll do really well with a better joke at the centre. As it stands, at least I have more Night Physics to read.

How would you even design that study? Some things can't really be investigated that way.

It is an interesting angle, and I don't see it as being inconsistent with what you're saying. It's sort of like the war on drugs, where it's just one more thing to use as an excuse to arrest people.

Based on the fact that there are (between actors, directors, and characters) four separate people named Yorgos mentioned in this article, I'm going to guess that Yorgos is to Greece as Matt is to Canada. I especially like how two of the actors are named Yorgos and neither is playing the character of the same name.