
Do you really think she'll pull through?

I miss the Weekly World News. I collected it when I was a kid. The best story they ever had was about a fiendish plot by China to have all of their citizens jump in the air at once and thereby send the Earth careening into the sun. Fortunately, the Weekly World News had got hold of the date and time and urged all

I've known a few friends who were into Alex Jones (not sure if they still are), which is a little odd for Canadians. The appeal seems to be, I think, having an actual narrative for the chaos of life. While it seems despairing from the outside, I think these people preferred an explanation, even one as baroque and

I always thought that Icke was a bit beyond the usual considerations of left and right. Once you've got reptilians involved, the core assumptions underlying either side are sort of out the window.

Better than good. There's an airtight legal defense awaiting you after the dickpunching. Airtight!

That song (and that concert he did on 9/11) is the reason that I bought that CD as a teenager. It really doesn't seem to be a common feeling around here, but I am shameless about having basically no taste, especially when it comes to coolness.

God, imagine someone leaking your sex tape when you have an anxiety disorder. That's some fresh hell right there. Good thing that everyone says it's a fake.

Rock fandom seem to be really defensive. There's this constant hope for a messiah that'll somehow "correct" the music on the radio. Better to just enjoy the music you have for what it is, I think.

Oh, I definitely get the blurting. It's a faux-pas, but not really a big deal (in my opinion), and quite understandable. I just don't get why people make such a big deal about height in the first place. Hell, he's got a couple of inches on me. I wonder if hating one's body was always a part of being human.

I've played with a fair number of drummers. I'd take her over a lot of them.

Meg always struck me as carrying on the Mo Tucker torch in terms of primal minimalism. Primal minimalism is something that's always going to be needed. I hope she decides to get back in the game someday.

Damn! Not having him as Warhol was a missed opportunity, especially because it could have been combined with a Velvet Underground and Nico appearance.

Jesus. I really want to believe that Flea, at least, wouldn't do this kind of thing, but he's implicated too (directly, in the case of the one with him and Chad Smith).

That's why I consider that the riskiest approach. Relying just on one's humour for the article is tricky, because it's inevitably going to fall flat for some people. I liked it basically because it was Chris Jericho doing his thing and I like him doing his thing. His humour generally works for me. Maybe I have a

I remember that story! He's entirely right. All of the extra stuff gets built on the foundation of a rock-solid rhythm. Otherwise, you see drummers fall a bit off the beat after complicated fills or subtly change the tempo as the song goes on. It's especially the case with his style, as he does all sorts of subtle

I still don't get why people get weird about height. I'm a bit short and I can't think of it having ever bothered me much (aside from buying pants, as I think that my legs are the short part, and trying to cover ground quickly, by the same token). I've gotten more people presuming that I'd be bothered than actually

Mid-90s rock radio was, um, not exactly rife with prospective poets-laurate. Heroin is apparently great at making anything at all sound like a viable lyric.

I had heard of a reputation, but I hadn't heard any stories until recently. I guess this is what happens when you don't check up on bands that you sort of like.

You can tell what the songs are about? Seriously, I keep realizing as I get older that I never actually knew what the hell sense 75% of the lyrics could possibly make.

Bear in mind that, as the article mentions, several of the members had recently been brought up on charges (news to me too) related to this behaviour, so she's not the first to make the association.