
I'm old enough to be a dad at this point. This was my mom's music, passed on to me with reverence and enthusiasm on both sides at the traditional ceremony of adolescence. Popular rock for my actual cohort's teenaged years would definitely not be this good (man, the late 90s were really not a great time for radio

For my part, it's less the take that you went with (though it's definitely a bit dusty at this point) or even the faint tone of mockery than it is the way that you drove the joke into the ground by the end of it. It just got a bit one-note after a while. If it had been one or two lines, I probably would have thought

I think he might have been talking about it from an economic standpoint. There isn't really anything in white supremacist ideology that particularly requires capitalism, so it's not like it's impossible for neo-Nazis to favour the economic strategies of anarchism. Given that there's a massive social dimension to the

I need to catch up on a lot of movies in order to be able to judge at all, but "Part of your world" will still probably be very near the top of my list. It's perfect. There is literally nothing that could be changed about it to make it better than it is. It's master-level dramatic songcraft.

Of course you feel that. You do cocaine.

They had David Lynch and Steve Coogan in for them a good while back. Taylor Hawkins might not be personally well-known, but the Foo Fighters certainly are. Dean Ween is reasonably well-known. I think that Jon Wurster is coming up in the world. That's about all that comes to mind. I don't know if there are a whole

Spoken like somebody who hasn't heard or doesn't remember Limp Bizkit's cover of "Behind Blue Eyes".

How did she take the news?

Sex is a terrible way to define oneself or anyone else. It's just such a goddamned boring characteristic. Notice how they're not defining themselves as "single" (i.e. not in a relationship and possibly desirous of changing that). No, "involuntarily celibate" puts the focus square on how they want to rub their

Oh, I agree. My point was only against the notion that anything would end up being definitive. A new version could certainly be better than all of the others.

That said, isn't it sort of in the spirit of the original that no adaptation has been definitive? There arguably isn't even a definitive version of the original. Barrie reworked and expanded and adapted it so many times that it's more like a legend than a novel at this point. Something about the story seems to

According to the following page, it'll actually be 2019 under the current rules. It's kind of funny, in an enraging sort of way, to think that I could have grown up in the fresh public domain generation. Oh well, it'll be a fun gift for the kids today. This is assuming that Disney and the others (but mostly Disney)

Yeah. I gotta say, they're pretty much the last names I'd think of if I were trying to come up with some people to give a speech. I'm guessing that they'll avoid this kind of thing for a while.

Dick Tracy has to have the highest fictional cop bodycount outside of Judge Dredd. He was like a walking ironic death from an EC Comic.

Yeah, it is petty. When I saw the headline here, I immediately thought "weren't these guys singled out for being unengaging and withdrawn in their speech?". Then again, I can imagine that meeting with Miller before the ceremony might have taken the wind out of their sails if he was that crabby about it. Still,

Not bad. Maybe Hook is the representative of the patriarchy in this, angered by and secretly envious of Pan's youthful androgyny, trapped as he is in stultifying and unsatisfying gender norms.

Ah ha! In order to be disingenuous, my point would have had to have had any substance to begin with!

Well, as someone else on this board pointed out, it's statistically identical. Zero out of any number is still zero. There's also the fact that it's not like the Steve Miller Band had 35 people in it at a time, so any one iteration would have had a much smaller number of people, and also the matter of the Black Keys

(in equal temperament)

Why wouldn't you defend it? You're young now, you're wild now, you want to be free, right?