
It's worth it as a trainwreck. I can't say as I've seen many other things like it.

It is obnoxious. This is not the attitude of a successful karaoke DJ. People sing what they want to sing. I've seen DJs trim requests without telling anybody and it always leads to annoyance.

I never know how to auralize (probably not a word) all-caps text with periods instead of exclamation points. I picture someone drily and factually bellowing at the top of their lungs.

Come visit Canada. Even the conservatives I know up here think that Trump's an asshole. It's the first time I've had even a bit of political pride in my country in what seems like forever. (Sanders would be pretty comfortable in the NDP or the Greens, too.)

Rent or Own? with George and Eazy on HGTV! Every week, a couple comes on to decide if they should take out a lease or a mortgage on a home. Our hosts try to sway them by openly disparaging and yelling at each other while the couple looks on nervously, unwilling to even attempt to get a word in edgewise. At the end

Well, honestly, why not? Randall Munroe has made it pretty far with inventive stick figures. Silhouettes could be your thing!

I have a feeling that he might prefer "The Yellow Rose of Texas".

That sounds like the name of Yorkshire's sauciest porn star.

The ending of that movie cracked me up. The protagonist basically just sits there and pitches the sequel. I think she literally ends by saying "so many questions…"

My mom told me that my grandfather hated All In The Family because he knew they were making fun of him. He even had kind of an Archie Bunker look.

That's got to be a huge loss in the 9-year-old demo, though.

Yeah, the whole "explain this to me because I wasn't paying attention" thing is a huge irritant to some people. I had to train myself out of that somewhat in real life, as I grew up in a family that used each other as information resources (I was even on a championship-winning trivia team in high school! I literally

To be honest, I actually don't see the current period as being substantially different from any other in regard to guilt and perception. In a sense, all rule is mob rule; while the rule of law is built on a foundation of philosophy and principle, it's still people who actually carry it out. There's no law beyond

If we're thinking of the same posts, then that's not how I interpreted them. I haven't seen anything that I saw as expressing opposition to thought and nuance. I think that there are basically two similar motivations going on with the objections to devil's advocacy and such: a) a desire to avoid feeding trolls; b)

I eventually decided to just embrace the silliness. It's not in my nature to pretend that I care about coolness and that I don't care about art. If you're in an appropriate context, why not talk about things the way that you actually think about them?

That's a good one. It fits the text pretty much perfectly, especially if you treat it as something of a period piece (it would fit a returning Vietnam vet like a glove).

I don't think that it's out of line to work towards well-reasoned arguments. To demand them, though? In order to demand such a thing, one would need to demonstrate either the authority to do so or a compelling reason for that requirement. Authority can be tossed out as a factor in the case of an AVC comment board,

I hadn't read about Darnielle's repudiation of that song until recently, but I can see some ways in which it would indeed sting. As I recall, he tried to make it clear that it was partially due to a small group of people who read it the wrong way (as endorsing its narrator's stance, basically), but that would leave

When this started hitting the news, I remember a side-story about how various shows of support for Kesha from other musicians, which is where I heard about the Taylor Swift donation. As I recall, a good amount of this support came from other women who had worked with Dr. Luke, which obviously engendered a fair bit of

At least. Notice that insurance didn't get mentioned for any of that stuff.