
I know that there's a sound-activated vibrator (OhMiBod, maybe?) intended for use with an iPod. I first heard of it when someone suggested hooking it up to a guitar amp so that one's partner could get some fun out of one's musical masturbation.

This is unsolicited advice and probably something that you already know, but just in case: do you know someone who can give you a relaxational massage? I have a couple of friends who are RMTs and they say that it's common for people to get turned on when they're getting massages (the arousal doesn't bother them, but

"Note to self: learn to fight."

Well, that's why this is a good step. I learned later than I should have that silent stoicism wasn't as useful as it looked. I don't know if there are any groups in your area that deal with this, but I guess one of the wonders of the internet is being able to get some relatively safe communication going with people.

I guess the first step is to isolate and identify possible sources of the problem. Vacations help, so you figure that it has to do with stress. This makes a lot of sense. I'd suggest that the next step is to look at the stress in terms of sources and contributing factors. Basically, if you, your spouse, and your

I am so very, very tired of being the only confrontational person in the room. It's exhausting.

I'm telling you, this is all an attempt at trying to turn everything in life into some horrible tabletop RPG. They've got the character classes, the levels, the acronym soup, and even the D&D-esque insistence on the power of wealth. I suppose that PUA techniques are supposed to be spells in this case, while sexes

Happy birthday! 32 just this last week. As far as I can tell, you have nothing to worry about from aging a bit.

Why are you insisting that men a) just want sex and b) will have sex with any available partner? These things are demonstrably not true. In order to think that, you have to think that everybody who says otherwise is lying or somehow completely mistaken about their own lives.

Marvel also has Alpha Flight, Beta Ray Bill, and Omega Red. Were they trying to imply something about Puck's sexual charisma?

I would love to know how they see that working out in real life. I mean, I'll be annoyed by knowing, but I'm still pretty curious.

I don't think it's specifically linked to Sanders, though it's sure as hell showing up a lot during his time in the news. I'm guessing that it'll at least last throughout the election and, after a likely die-off when the end of the election signals some people checking out politics until they can be outraged again,

Oh, the word "cuckold" is ancient. It has alternate forms in all of the Romance languages, I think (I saw the opera Falstaff recently, which is in Italian, and they definitely used the hell out of that word). The abbreviation "cuck", though? That's entirely from the porn genre. I don't think you could find a

That one's way worse than the rest. It's not so much a dogwhistle as it is an airhorn.

OK, I'll amend that: they know how to make short-term profit out of causing long-term problems that other people will have to fix. I'm not bitter about my previous job at all!

I fortunately haven't had too much direct experience with guys who were really into the whole alpha thing. What experience I have had leads me to believe that "alpha" is code for "doesn't fucking know how to do anything".

I want to know why they never bring up gammas. If you're going to try to turn social interaction into some deeply unappealing version of D&D, Acronym Warriors, commit to it. Don't just stop because it's hard to fit males who disguise themselves as members of an alpha's harem in order to ninjinmpregnate said harem

One of the most difficult things about your situation, which I believe you have already intuited, is that everything you've mentioned seems to be temporary, but you've already waited much longer than you would have liked. When people say that it'll eventually work out, it's both correct and irrelevant. That future

I recall that there was a tabletop roleplaying game called Blue Rose that seemed to be specifically intended to address that idea. I never played it, but as I remember from the reviews, it was: of the romantic fantasy genre (I read a comparison to Mercedes Lackey's books), treated male and female characters as