

Objection! That movie is a lot of fun.

It's a weird system. If he gets the nomination, he'll somehow simultaneously trumpet it as an overwhelming triumph and a victory over a powerful conspiracy of some sort, while the reality is that a numerical majority of the party didn't want him in the first place.

As a bit of an amateur fairy tale enthusiast, I'd like to see pop culture get beyond the grim and gritty and into understanding and using the cultural context of these stories.

Well, yeah. "Judkins Minor" sounds alarming, "Judkins Diminished" sounds depressing, and "Judkins Augmented" sounds like you're dating a cyborg. "Judkins Suspended", on the other hand, would fit right in with the SL comment section.

Dude, what? I'm a 32-year-old guy and I think I've known maybe one other guy who was even close to what you're talking about as a standard (and he was still choosy; he just had a large appetite for casual sex). This is genuinely kind of mystifying. If that's how your friend group works, then OK, but I can tell you

It's hardly surprising. One would think that Trump should capture very little of the religious vote, as his vices are out there for everybody to see and his manner of behaviour is comically undignified. It'd be wild if conservative Mormons suddenly found themselves wondering if it'd be easier to stomach that

Most of what I've read from Republicans recently has suggested that they fear Trump largely because each success damages the party. Like, it's bad enough for them if he wins the nomination, because, as you say, it's a pretty good sign that the next president will not be Republican. If he won the election, though?

I don't think I can play that game myself if it ever comes up. If I themed the names after my own in the usual way that people do around here, they'd just be an increasingly incomprehensible list of abbreviations, and I don't think it would really aid understanding to let people know about how old DaDfsdkL is doing.

A happy ending (in more ways than one) from a different era! (It was honestly kind of funny to see how many people in this thread were confused about what the problem was.)

That may be tricky. The core Codename:Genital sourcebook is easy enough to find, but Codename:Genital Advanced Cumbat Rules and Far East Genital are prized collector's items, while Genital '99: The Time of Thin Cum never sold well enough for a second printing in the first place.

Sure, they can hear it. Understanding is another question. Penises choose to speak but rarely, so most penis bearers have not learned Enochian to a sufficient extent to understand their own cocks speaking in the tongue of angels. That, among other reasons, is why sex with virgins is best left to holy ascetics who

Understood. Question withdrawn. Probably the wisest decision right now.

No system of metric measurement has been found to be applicable yet, but people generally know that their penises are ready when they begin to frequently discharge static electricity. Many have also detected a faint smell of burning ozone and even, in some cases, interior scorch marks in their undergarments.

Not to belabour the question, but do you think the bi part would bother you if you had both agreed to a monogamous relationship?

Those get annoying quickly. Give me one with actual doable recipes. I got a ragout recipe from one that, with minor tweaking, became something I eat every week.

Hopefully this isn't too prurient, and apologies if it is, but: did the skills translate when you found what you were looking for?

That's, like, a cock's number one purpose. If you look at a penis in conditions of absolute darkness after its owner has had sex with a virgin, you'll see that it's still faintly luminescent and may even appear to have a corona. The effect doesn't last long, of course, as it's just a byproduct of the process. The

I don't know either, but it's something to keep in mind anyway.

Finding free music around here is easy. Finding the right music will be a bit trickier. Still, that does give me a notion.