
Correct! Now imagine a guy spelling that with a K and using that as a nom-de-plume. I like my name, but a) it is a name for old-timey ranch hands and b) every time that I encountered in a novel growing up, it was the name of the village oaf for some reason. I gather that it experienced a short burst of popularity

This difference between people is interesting to me. I tend to think that the eyes, as you say it, always see what's there, but that what they see doesn't have any meaning in and of itself. Basically, I have doubted that there's really such a thing as someone being objectively physically beautiful, as "beauty" isn't

If I recall correctly, they were a full tone apart (A major and B major), which is why the recording is in a slightly sharp Bb major and why Lennon's vocal sounds faintly unearthly from having been varispeeded. I still can't believe that trick actually worked in a recording studio of the 60s. If there's a studio

It's a diminished chord that resolves to the dominant third (which then resolves to the relative minor), if we're thinking of the same thing. To my ears, the guitar does nod to it with a bass note, but doesn't express it fully like the strings do. It's an intriguingly expressive chord change, in that the melody

I know! I just want the simple communal life of gardening, brewing, and cowl-wearing combined with the massive library and the opportunity to just spend forever working on music theory. Surely I don't need a god for that!

I love every name suggested so far because I'm imagining this guy picking out Cletus, Mongo, or Obadiah as a badass goth name. Anyway, not to prolong the guessing game, but think of something in the Obadiah range beginning with a C and you'll probably have it.

No, though he was right about my status in the game of life.

That's amazing. I'm kind of shocked that something could work that well and that fast. I have some people who need to hear about this therapy.

Good luck. I've heard very promising things about EMDR lately. One note about the anxiety meds: I can't remember the name of the medication, but when I asked a friend about what she was taking, she warned me that there was a week or so in there where it got significantly worse before it got significantly better.

Not as far off as you might think. Think Old Testament, think Appalachian (I'm not from there, but I'm given to understand that my name's more common there).

Pssh. You don't need meat juice for gravy! Just Bisto that water up until it jiggles!

I have a slightly unusual name, so when I ran into another guy who had it on the set of a no-budget movie, I was a little excited to talk about it. Then he told me it was his "stage name". I didn't really know how to react to the idea that my name was exotic enough for a nerdy goth to think "yes, this name for

Has anyone else ever thought of starting or joining some sort of nonreligious abbey/convent? Just wearing robes and studying all day and making strong beer and learning to chant and not ever having to risk dealing with people like FAIL's partner or THINK on a sexual level? I'd rather keep bees.

Will it be like that one part of Idioterne? I liked that movie.

I think that lots of people find that the extent to which they like somebody has a huge effect on how much they think that person looks good. He fell from grace and now you see his droopy face. The other shoe dropped and he turned out to be a heel. He tends bar like a chump and he looks just like a lump. What I'm

I think that there's a border between reprehensibly irresponsible storytelling and fine storytelling that someone misinterprets, but it's a very fuzzy one. Most people would agree that the makers of Birth of a Nation were at least irresponsible when they made a movie that views the founders of the KKK heroically. I

I think that for Moen, it's just that she's already relatively well-known.

Maybe on purpose, but maybe just liable due to it being something they should have caught at some point during extensive preparation. It's sort of like how people generally get more slack for accidentally giving offense when speaking off the cuff than they would if they spent a year writing a book and it had the same

I would say that it expresses "not expressly articulated" instead of "concealed", but either meaning works well enough for what I'm saying. Writers and directors and such have enough time to consider the implications of the stories they're telling.

I can back that up anecdotally. When my friend group was into it in high school, the ladies were just as into it as the guys. Also, when I showed it to my teenaged little sister later, she was right into it too. The appeal of comedic vigilante justice crosses many lines, it seems.