
Both Andie and Duckie come across to me as people who are leaving this movie on good, but individual, trajectories. They're going to be able to handle what life throws at them. When Duckie's 25 and still in love with the hustle that's a daily reality for him now that he's discovered and pursued his love of stage

A few months back, I realized that I hadn't checked on my Facebook feed for a few days and that I felt happier than I had for a while. I decided to put it off a little longer. The next day (I think), the Paris attacks happened. I have continued to put it off since then.

They'd have snidely implied that Stalin was better at everything than him.

Not by its most proper definition, but I think that some people do use it with an edge of dismissal and denigration of others' opinions.

I see where you're coming from, but I disagree. I think we'll start to see Fury Road's proper influence years from now, when filmmakers who grew up on it start incorporating its lessons on storytelling into their movies. That'll be the real legacy.

I'm looking forward to catching Anomalisa, but I have to disagree with the idea that Inside Out doesn't hold up. It already has held up for me.

My list would include Nobody Does It Better, You Know My Name, and Goldeneye (go ahead and laugh, but it was very important to me when I was 12 for reasons).

And Mad Max had Zoe Kravitz. Not too sure about any of the others.

I have nothing against the guy, but that's an interesting fact. Hell, how many times has a woman even been nominated for the category?

Isn't that Best Actor?

It almost might be worth noting that some people genuinely like wild tonal shifts in and of themselves. I know this because I am one of them. The idea that this movie incorporates both wacky slapstick and a sober reminder of environmental devastation just makes me want to see it all the more.

I hadn't even heard of that, as I haven't been in an Arby's for years. I'll keep that in mind. Maybe they're just pushing that option and this is even less effort than it seems?

The vegetarian option, outside of the breakfast menu, is more or less to just get fries. They introduced some vegetable wraps a while ago, but I don't know if they're still doing it.

I do think that intent matters. If people thought that "Blurred Lines" was a dig at rape culture, it probably wouldn't have come in for that much criticism. "Every breath you take" is clear enough in what it's doing that I don't think anybody minded much.

I think that the economics of mass media discussions help to perpetuate this. Sites get more clicks on popular topics than unpopular topics, so smash hits always generate tons of thinkpieces. Something arguably more worthy of journalistic attention might be happening away from the spotlight, but then one has to

I'd agree that it's a stretch. I think it's more likely that the answer is sort of adjacent to what I was talking about. Basically, I think there's some reason why a given rapist doesn't care about their victim's consent and that the reason might be related to the rest of their worldview. The most obvious candidate

Not to rehash a point I made in another post too much, but I think that "Hungry like the wolf" gets off the hook largely because it was old by the time many current writers were born. Logically, yes, "Blurred lines" isn't really all that much different from lots of other songs with questionably rapey scenarios, but

Well, one obvious answer the question of why this song was targeted is inherent in its history. It was ubiquitous, something that practically everybody had heard and could discuss. There were probably hundreds of freemetal sausagegrind songs that year that intentionally talked about graphic rape and chainsaw murder

I sometimes wonder the extent to which the abrogation of consent that underlies rape culture has its roots in childhood. Young children kind of have to be told to do a lot of things and not to do a lot of others if they're going to live past the age of three, but generally the concept of agency and consent gets more