
I’d say she was being hypocritical if she had said that, like, yesterday.

Also it’s weird that no one is posting her follow up comment in that same interview. Literally as part of her very next question when she agrees with Tavi that it’s ultimately not against feminism.

“I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it. It’s very confusing.”

Drive thirty minutes in any direction from any major city in America and you are in Alabama.

Some people really, really don’t like other people enjoying things.

I met Bill in 1992 and he held my baby (!) and I have NEVER been near charisma like that before or since. It was a force of nature! Afterward, I told my husband I wanted to throw Bill down on the ground right then and there. His response: Me, too!

Your Mom is spot on. I met him (ok, shook his hand and exchanged a few words) at an Obama rally in 2012. It was like those old news reels of a Beatles concert with women and men elbowing each other, screaming, pushing and shoving to get to him. But despite all of that? Holy shitballs! When that man takes your hand, in

he’s quite the statesman, our president, and orator...see how effortlessly his calumny rubs shoulders with his predecessor’s wisdom.


$500 is a shitload of money for a lot of people. Maybe your blessed high schooler life allowed you to save up half a grand, but this is not true of everybody.

Well, as long as you are using really, really good contraception, I guess no permanent harm can come from it. If you get pregnant, though, stuff’s gonna get real, isn’t it?

$500 is a lot of money if you’re making $7 or $10 an hour. That’s 50 or more hours of work

There is no polite way to say this.

When I was in high school I couldn’t save up 500 dollars.

You’re telling me a kid who has spent the majority of their lives in America but was brought here at a young age should be forced to get a job before they turn 18 if they want to stay in this country? You see this as a reasonable requirement for DACA minors

It’s quite a distinction and a glaring inaccuracy. If Jezebel is going to report on news then they have a responsibility to report the news accurately. This is how misinformation gets spread which is a problem for a lot of us but especially for immigrants where there are so many people willing to exploit their lack

“I started because of the divide in our country”

Also, we should all follow Vincente Fox on Twitter:

I think the important thing to keep sight of here is that actions speak louder than words. It may be awe-inspiring that Trump can read a fucking teleprompter and sound halfway literate, but no matter what he says, no matter how nice (or at least inoffensive) it sounds, it’s his actions that matter, and one month into

I mean, they were born into this world. They are natives. We are the outsiders who had to figure things out. This is all they’ve ever known.