
People hide behind “values” as a cover for the worst kinds of hatred. It’s like “loathsome thing + ‘values’”. Like let’s not call it family values it’s “I hate and gay people to be eliminated values.”

As an aside, wearing clothing traditionally worn by the opposite gender doesn’t necessarily make you transgender...or gay. Pants have not made women identify as men. It’s awesome if it helps transgender kids feel more comfortable, but all ppl should feel comfortable wearing anything without it bearing on gender

Theory or just sick fiction from a sick imagination. What an abhorrent, vile person to make something like this up

That part drove me up the wall. Why do we even have to say this?

Why don’t you tell the trans community they’re clutching pearls? Oh for fucks sake with that.

Saw his live show. Dude is SWOLE

As far as this bullshit about progressive being too sensitive (as an aside, i don’t consider myself a “progressive” but far left of that)... punching down is bad comedy. It’s always been bad comedy and it always will be. Chapelle makes great comedy; he’s also capable of homophobia and terrible comedy.

Went to see Chapelle in San Francisco. He was hammered, smoking cigarettes on stage and kept saying he could do that because “I’m Dave Chapelle, bitch!” and had a long-running riff about all the “transvestites” in the city that made him uncomfortable. He did this in San Francisco. No one left, because he pads his

Why so skeptical? Some people are that quick and bold.

Wow. That penis crack was bold. I like you.

Same- I often buy this color because it makes me siiiigh, but then never wear it because it’s not super flattering. Unless it’s contrasted with another color. Even then it often just doesn’t work. :/. So much wasted $. You think I’d learn. But then...that’s how love gets ya.

I definitely didn’t mean to suggest that. I’m implying *society* imposes that value and that linking of birth/menstruation to womanhood and that that valuing is central to our oppression, not that it itself has value (that’s subjective). Again, I don’t menstruate (she keeps repeating...), and may not be able to give

That’s a fair distinction.

Of course. I just want to be able to acknowledge that without immediately derailing the conversation away from or entirely erasing the experience of biological oppression of most all women, which my god is important at this point of legislative oppression not to do.

Yeah I definitely wasn’t suggesting otherwise. I’m suggesting that women’s biological oppression is still an important part of feminism we should not erase, not that trans women don’t have their own bio struggles that we shouldn’t be paying attention to.

Funny you should say that. I also don’t menstruate and will likely not be able to give birth. It makes neither of us less “woman.” But neither should we erase the difficulty of biological oppression (I’d actually argue that not being able to but expected to is part of this biological oppression that is unique to cis

True. But a few biological struggles like menstruation (and endometriosis), birth, and the oppression that comes with them are still exclusively the struggles of cis women, and its important not to minimize those. That shouldn’t and doesn’t negate the point that trans women are women.

As a woman with endometriosis who perhaps cannot give birth, fuuuuck the idea that birth = everything. Ugh

What fate befalls bisexuals?

Oh, shut the fuck up, Chad