

It takes a real stupid asshole to make me defend Uber, yet here I am.

You know, it’s really amazing how easily you can connect the homophobia of the Right with their suppressed desire to have a really strong Daddy.

So exciting for us late night west coasters!

Mostly unrelated but here’s a spreadsheet of upcoming town halls by various members in Congress in every state. Show up folks!!!

“As California goes... so goes the nation.”

you know how people say new york is nice to visit, but i wouldnt want to live there?

It’s about ethics in religious institutions.

The same way that 53% of white women who voted live with themselves.

I wonder if the shekels paid to Jared Kushner is enough to help him sleep at night.

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

I know he’s not American, but you can always count on Vicente Fox Quesada and that #FuckingWall to fill the void.

Anyone who says this isn’t straight up fascism, is a straight up fascist themselves. Our right to peacefully assemble, which means anything short of actually smashing shit up, is guaranteed by our 1st amendment constitutional rights. Don’t think for a second that this law will not be used by a federal agency at some

Uh... you know that diverse groups have diverse opinions and people get to voice them. Progressive people tend to get this. It’s not “infighting” or “eating your own” or whatever else detractors want to call it. Our diverse movement can support and respect multiple opinions at the same time - even ones individuals

(credit to Mona Chalabi)

It was exuberant!

Ya the ACLU responded to the vague threat Spicer made in that... display. You can’t even really call it a press conference because he came in, chastised the press, lied 4 times, and stormed off like a goddamned fool. If they think they’re going to keep saying up is down just to show they can, they’re going to be in

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

Yeah, I agree. All those Trump voters telling everyone to fuck off really are to blame.

Just because someone has good taste in things doesn’t mean they have good ideas.