
Not me. I kept wishing someone - anyone would take him out… though preferably Jesse.

Oh I agree it's just I've become so much more invested in the characters because of BCS that I utterly loathe Walt and the role he plays in their deaths. I didn't like him the first time round but the investment wasn't quite there so it was entertaining. At this point, I'd rather just head canon the whole thing away.

Me neither. I recently tried to re-watch Breaking Bad but couldn't get to season 3. I hated Walt way too much.

No. Chuck's self-righteous superiority is driven by the fact that he always does the "right" thing. Chuck stealing money to blame Jimmy would work against that narrative.


That's why I love it too. There are no heroes. Only deeply flawed people.

I'm not so sure. From where I stand, I see two brothers drunk on their own self-righteousness. Both are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to prove their superiority over the other and both will ultimately fall because of it.

Oh I agree. Kid Jimmy was wrong to steal from his father but I think this detail is an important plot point. Chuck has been intensely jealous of Jimmy for as long as they've been brothers. He feels superior to Jimmy but unrecognized since charismatic Jimmy gets all the attention. We see it at their mother's deathbed.

Kid Jimmy even points out that the store has a reputation as the place to go to run a scam.

Read my other comment below. I don't think that's a forgone conclusion. I suspect we'll all have a lot of sympathy for Jimmy's decision to say "Fuck it" and become Saul Goodman.

Oh I'm not saying Chuck didn't have it coming. These two have been on a collision course since they were children. There have been a lot of hints that Chuck has always been jealous of Jimmy. The dutiful and morally superior Chuck can't compete with the sketchy but likable and charismatic Jimmy. Remember the scene

I know Jimmy helped himself from the till but I have a feeling it wasn't that much. Remember his dad was always letting himself scammed. Little Jimmy even said that everyone knows their store is the one to scam. I think Chuck's jealousy of Jimmy's charisma has caused him to blame Jimmy for the total cash loss… which

There was. His name was Chuck and he just let hate drive him straight into a buzz-saw. :P

This isn't a trial for fraud. That case never went to trial. Instead, Chuck allowed Jimmy to escape the charges by signing a charitably worded confession, issuing an apology, paying for damages, community service and referral to the Bar for a disciplinary hearing. The purpose of the disciplinary hearing is to

Exactly. Remember that Chuck also freely admitted to luring Jimmy into making that statement by feigning a worsening in his symptoms. Chuck is toast.

I'm not so sure about that. I have a feeling we're going to learn about how Chuck came to believe he has "EHS" and I'm betting Jimmy has something to do with it.

Oh no, Chuck is definitely finished. The show has done a good job establishing that lawyers determine each other's value by the quality of their judgement. Between Jimmy's evidence and his seething outburst, Chuck just utterly annihilated the credibility of his judgement. He's toast. The question remaining is: How

Jimmy's making himself out to be a martyr to his brother's hatred. The next logical question is to ask how on earth has Chuck been living alone for so long, convinced he's allergic to electricity? The answer is Jimmy. Jimmy was taking care of Chuck for years, and now he's cashing in by using it as proof that all the

I don't think the threat to HHM is losing trustworthiness. It's about others questioning their judgement. Remember when Kim was upset at Jimmy because her judgement was on the line? Being unorthodox won't necessarily sink Chuck as long as he behaves and can point to a career of immaculate judgement. It's probably why

Pretty sure Chuck being appeased has nothing to do with a PC world and everything to do with different parties having a vested interest in Chuck's medical status. Re-watch Season 1. One of the major plot threads was the dispute between Jimmy and Howard over Chuck's relationship with the firm. Ever wondered why Jimmy