
Gonna need to satisfy their water obsession first. Where they're about to go, there ain't gonna be much water around.

Cheerleaders save the world.

@Mermizle: Indeed. I don't dig this at all.

Now do Pac Man.

@Ultraviper: From top left to bottom right:

Making light of a near tragedy? I'm afraid I don't dig this.

Don't worry too much Bash. If the current trend of anime is any indication of things to come, 10 years later Mini-Bash will be the school president and all the girls will be head over heels for him.

From CounterStrike, I learned that hostages will always get stuck on anything that rises more than three inches from the floor.

@xsbs: It's a mascot made to mock pedophile people. Google for more info.

@xsbs: Like, y'know, that expression reminded me of sumpting...

@Gïmmï Mørgäikköŋëŋ: Join the dark side, Luke. We have queen-sized beds, down pillows and sleepovers every second Monday of the month.

So long he's not Brendan Fraser, I'm cool....

That Sonic pic is giving me Pedobear vibes.

@kariido: More like " force slams me through four walls and gets away with it!!!"

As much as I want to score the suit based on accuracy, I just can't get over the body proportions thing.

@Keni: It's one of the first anime to greatly emphasize (if not the first at all) on quasi-religious mindfuck as its main theme, which makes people try to understand it so they'll be seen as the very few elite who get the message EVA was trying to convey.

Cat Stevens was what Yusuf Islam used to be, not Salman Rushdie.

Well, after this got commercialized and someone joined the 500-mile club, would the spacecraft still be labeled 'Virgin"?