
@Full_Circle: I personally think that the first two movies are the best of them. But yeah, that's just me.

As usual, PC players get the step child treatment.

BTW, I just realised that the author for this particular card is named Michael Fahey. Is that our Fahey or Wizard of the Coast's Fahey?

Now all we need is a rhino Heavy and giraffe Sniper.

@brixish: I won't buy it unless Clint Eastwood does.

Trace, on!

Here's my several cents.

Circuit breaker or no circuit breaker, whenever there's a thunderstorm outside, the rule of thumb is to keep anything even slightly metallic or conductive off your body.

Apparently Mario had one time too many shrooms....

Fresh from the Pimp my Death Star set..

@madveks: Owh, that makes sense. BUt anyone fighting blanka in that costume is gonna ruffle alotta feathers, no?

The Lich King in #8 looks pretty stumpy to me.

Why is Blanka's costume like......that?

Arduino again......

Ugh. Capes and Hoodie.

Do those black slots on the bottom dispense anything?

What, no Kratos face war paint?

Defense of the Ancients (DotA).

I didn't know they're doing a Japanese remake of I Am Legend.