@Walking Eye!:The Business-Casual Gamer: I'm guessing if they do, then they clean the PA thoroughly after every battle.
@Walking Eye!:The Business-Casual Gamer: I'm guessing if they do, then they clean the PA thoroughly after every battle.
@Gravidos: Maybe he's busy preparing for Comic-Con, or Starcraft 2....
Rolento and Sodom and Birdie from Alpha 2 would be nice.
@AerintheGREAT: I choose you, Lawsuit!
I guess Nintendo's policy of suing people is super effective.
@coffeehair: When I finally saw the creature's face, I was actually surprised that it didn't have a cigar and say "Hell, it's about time".
@2NinjasTapedTogether: Seeing how he actually used a baby to steal stuff, I don't think that's his baby in the first place.
Solid Snake reminds me of Chuck Norris.
So, instead of his trademark barcode, he gets a new brand on the back of his head and also his ass?
@somarix: replied to because Bash still hasn't corrected this.
@Revenge_of_Nekojin: Keroro Gunso actually had its own storyline. The Gundam reference is there because the creaters are the same that did Gundam shows and are prettty mush parodying it.
@Ruthless if you let me: I wonder how much Uranus got...
@黒天使: It's the lamprey fish. Google it up. I know you want to....
Looking at the title pic, I thought it was a Kinect ad.
Nuka Cola: When dying from diabetes is no longer cool.
I'm guessing they're gonna hit the local laundry before going home, eh?
I hope Blizzard will localise the game in Malaysia. I want to play an original, legitimate game for once.
Apparently the book isn't the only one wide open.....
@Ravennl: Is that the microwave tank?!