Captures images three times as fast!
Captures images three times as fast!
That should've been the secret package that the Spartans were after in the short anime "The Package".
Those hanging pockets made me think that her shorts are made from some poor blue Pokemon..
I wonder what'll happen if he presses down, down + left, left, punch?
@battra92: It's okay, you can always grope yourself out of this situation.
@gsilverfish: Those are normal local attire in Kuwait. You can google for more info.
@The-Dayman: I do. And lots of pipe water, since soap usually I don't use.
The tanker reminds me of Waterworld, or some Ork Karrier.
Seeing those girls, my pants just went Super Saiya.
@SixTwoSixFour (aka Dangeresque): Don't get me started on how an Ork would reply....
The Emperor guides his passing.
The entire neighbourhood must've boycotted him.
What, no Blanka?
@misplacedcircus: I was there too!
@CarbonFalcon: How bout Duke Nukem Forever?
@wirebrain: Either way, they're not real.
Would the driver be covered in LCL?
@Swarm: Yeah...a status that someone's too young to even be sexually alluring. If you want to put a near-naked woman in a game, at least make it a grown up woman.