
Could the Olsen twins have been far ahead of us in their quest for mastery of a Baba Yaga aesthetic?

I feel like I listen to more than enough Savage Lovecast to have heard the first scenario over and over again. If the sex is bad this long into the relationship and your partner has shown no interest in improving it, then you have to really sit down and ask yourself whether bad sex is the price of admission you’re

WHAT WHAAAAT. Ready to see all y’alls Baba Yaga looks at the Saturday Social!

We desperately need an earnest beauty tutorial on this exciting new look, Jezebel.

The most sickening part of the story is that a FUCKING NURSE, who understands the medical situation, called Border Patrol on the parents of a 2 MONTH OLD INFANT in surgery. And I fucking guarantee that Nurse Nancy considers herself a good christian woman when she tells the story to her bible study group after church

No one with three kids, a dog, AND a pristine white couch is relatable in my book. Kids and dog, sure. A white couch. With kids and dog? Nope. I’m out. Don’t buy it.

Jessica Jones was so great, wasn’t it?

This happened to me after I recalibrated my relationship with my guy and moved into my own place. I binged on Call the Midwife, Jessica Jones, and watched features about and with women (Spy, Heat, that Thatcher movie with Meryl Streep, etc.). And even though I’ve gradually allowed more male narrative into my life, I

A few years ago, I reached a saturation point where I was just done with men’s stories. They have all been told countless times and I am bored. I have run all out of fucks to give.

When Baba Yaga wins despite my vote, I expect Jezebel to put out a Baba Yaga beauty tutorial.

On the contrary, I am taking this seriously (honestly embarrassed how invested I am in this) and am solidly anti-Baba. Sirens: Smashing the patriarchy one ship at a time.

The suspense is killing me.

THANK YOU. Seriously. I was in foster care for three years and then put back in the home of my abusive mother. Those three years were far from perfect but, on some level, I still don’t think I’ve recovered from being put back in that household. I understand the experience may be traumatic for some parents that have

This is a very hard read for me. Full disclosure, I’m an abuse survivor so I may have my own issues all over this, but... It really sounds like they’re painting parents as the victims. The parents are adults.

My 18 year old cousin uses her mom’s credit card (that her mom gave her) to take Ubers and pay for lunch or brunch with her friends at restaurants so they can practice for their post-college future in the city using their parent’s credit cards for brunch

Guys, I know we’re all tired. I’m tired. But we have to keep calling. Use ResistBot to fax, call when you can. We can’t let this pass without a fight.

One of the sets of reaction gifs I saw had Rachel Bloom in the back looking

Mama warned us, didn’t she?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - Jeffrey Wright was robbed.

Will anyone capture the Baba Yaga aesthetic?