
Catalina should be coming home sometime in the next month. She’s officially not receiving any care other than her CPAP and encouraging oral feedings, so the doctor said she can get home care for a couple months. We’re now arranging things with the insurance company.

Anybody make any cool purchases this week? I bought this for my yard and I’m living my best life.


Oh for fuckSAKE, brosephines. Look, cop to it, if you actually invited any female photographers at all, you invited ONE, and she couldn’t attend, and you had no Backup Token.

But like, a pretty thunderdome.

Dunno, but I’m pretty much voting on who would win thunderdome style.

NOt gonna lie. I’m very emotionally invested in this.

I’m honestly annoyed even by those “I ate your Halloween candy...JUST KIDDING!” videos. I mean, why would you think it’s funny to mess with your child’s trust in their parents?

In more than 300 now-deleted videos, the parents screamed profanities at their children and broke their toys. In one of the videos, Michael Martin was seen pushing his son into a bookshelf, which resulted into the boy getting a bloody nose, and ordering one of his stepsons to slap his daughter.

Look, even if this shit had been nothing but actual pranks, that’s still an evil thing to do to your child. Your kid should never, ever feel tricked by you. On purpose. For your amusement.

So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;

not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country

The winner gave a good response too to a question about the Paris Climate Agreement, saying it was wrong for the US to have pulled out given the evidence we have about climate change.


Making new friends as an adult: how do you do it? Mine are either all A) scattered across the country or B) dudes.

I wish there was an age restriction or term limits or something that got these old fucks out of the government faster. We need fresh minds. We need diversity. We don’t need old white men getting older but still in complete and total control of a world that is changing far faster than they can possibly keep up with.

Yeah, well, I just had my heart broken by a group of women I trusted and thought were my friends and I am very grateful that my actual best friend (my husband) has been a solid shoulder to cry on. So I am not so sure about Anna’s advice now.

I totally agree with Anna Faris - the problem is that I don’t live those words of wisdom. I’m one of those sad people without a proper best friend (but with a lot of good friends). My boyfriends invariably become my best friends, which means that when I break up with them, I also lose my best friend. It sucks.

I think marrying a foreigner sounds worse to Japanese than marrying a commoner.

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.