
Because I am a millennial and we are trying to kill movies. Along with literally everything else. Because we are evil. (Also cause we are poor and can’t afford anything.)

I really appreciate how you answered this so earnestly; like it was you and your DnD pals and OT that brought down Hollywood this summer.

There was plenty that I wanted to go see, but I just didn’t have the time for more than Spiderman: Homecoming and Wonder Woman. I play D&D with two groups of people, and for awhile we were playing every weekend. That, on top of having to work every other Saturday, just ate into my movie going time.

I was listening to a podcast about a year ago called The X-X-Files and they were commenting on how in the last 20 or so years there was a boom of women going into criminal investigations and forensics and they had a bunch of fan emails from female listeners basically saying “Dana Scully got me interested in being a

All of this. Also literally every dumbass decision in the movie is made by a dude, and since Ellie and Lex have interactions that aren’t about men it passes the Bechdel test.

I went into paleobotany because of Laura Dern’s character in Jurassic Park.

Jurassic Park holds up extremely well, honestly. The female lead is wearing sensible clothes given her profession and no one stops her from doing her job because she’s a woman. The young girl is the hacker and Goldblum is the shirtless eye candy. All the dinosaurs are female!

Always relevant.

Am I the only one who doesn’t really care about Theon and Yara? They could kill them both off and be done with it and I’d be alright.

CleganeBowl was definitely teased so it better happen next season or all of this was bullshit and Sean Bean died for nothing.

I think the GOT death rule is that nobody’s dead until you see them die, and even not then. Light a candle for my ginger prince, tho. He needs to make those giant babies with Brienne!


This show is the stupidest shit on the planet but Rhaegar calling two of his fucking sons Aegon did me in. They don’t care, folks. They’re laughing at you.

Her problem is, she still thinks like a rich white man.

Seriously, wtf is it with TS hate? She’s freaking 28 years old, she’s coming into herself as a person. And yeah, she’s channelling a different aspect of her personality. May I remind everyone that at her age Beyonce introduced Sasha Fierce?

Confession: the more I hear this song, the more I like it. I don’t want to like it but the heart wants what it wants.

Holy shit am I tired of hearing the phrase “playing the victim” used about a woman who was literally just in a courtroom getting justice for being sexually assaulted this month.

*Baby pictures*

Topic: possible vaginismus and sexual trouble with my guy. TMI of course, but I read a thread about this sometime this week so I thought you guys could help.

I die for the Hound every single time he’s on the screen. I can’t even explain my love for him. Ol grumpy ass. The Hound and Tormund talking about Brienne had me giggling like a little girl. Please give Tormund all the giant ginger warrior babies!!