
I have an insane amount of respect for Murkowski in this as other colleagues (Heller) folded with barely a fraction of the bullying she got from Trump. She got the personal Twitter call out and her whole state is getting punished. (In a normal world that would backfire but in this one?) And she also got a lot of sweet

Absolutely. I sent an email to Murkowski and Collins first thing this morning thanking them for their votes and their constant opposition. I would encourage everyone to do the same.

Collins and Murkowski have stood by their principles and been open and vociferous throughout. Real heroines.

The CEO of a Silicon Valley company wrote a blog from a home computer unaware it could be traced back to him? How the fuck does someone that stupid get put in as a CEO of anything outside of a Trump appointment?

I literally am ok with this. No men in any positions of authority for at least 25 years. Sorry bros, times up.

We need to ban all men until we figure out what’s going on

“My life is over.”

Literally a Margaret Atwood quote come to life.

Or, “If You Want to be President, Don’t Have a Vagina”.

I just want to say I am tired of how much shit this woman has gotten from the left too. I have an aquaitance and he LOVES LOVES to shit on her continously whenever we talk about politics. He has a complete inability to move on. He always brings up the election and losing was her fault and Bernie would have won and

Our moms were badasses! I remember my Mom letting anti-war protestors sleep in our living room in great numbers, putting all of her appointments into her Liberated Women’s Appointment Calendar, which had little thought exercises and fun feminist facts on every page, and disappearing periodically with her girlfriends

The second I lay eyes on it I thought, “Big mistake. Big. Huge”.

It’s so crucial, I think, among all of these BS versions of these various bills, including the Frankenstein’s Monster one that just failed, to keep our eyes on the bigger picture: No matter what the bill’s provisions ultimately become, we know it will throw between 16 and 30 million off of their insurance, and jack

I am (GULP for admitting this online, but love you guys so I trust you....) 33 years old. My whole life I romantically imagined myself dying very very young. I am only now realizing that my extremely poor life planning was not just the result of an intelligent, lively, and ambitious teenager finally confronting

I would love it if she were like “Fuck yeah, I said it! I should have said it a long time ago. This has gone way way WAY too fucking far! IMPEACH.”

I had to stop reading halfway through. Why do we have to fucking dissect everything? Some people want to go have a crazy weekend, others want quiet and fun, others want nothing at all. Who cares? NOT EVERYTHING IS A MAJOR FEMINIST ISSUE.

I’ve actually been thinking a lot lately about how the “polite” culture where talking about money is taboo is basically the main vehicle by which employers get away with huge pay disparities... I don’t want to be “rude” but I want to know how I stack up, so I can advocate more effectively for myself. Which of course

I had a lady boss for my first job, and there was a guy on our team who worked—no lie—14 or 16 hour days. We mostly thought he would be up for promotion, but a woman on my team received one instead. When the workaholic asked her why she didn’t promote him, she said, “[Woman] does twice the amount of work in 40 hours a