
Yes, who will boys look up to now? It’s not like there are that many powerful male figures in entertainment, especially in the sci-fi realm. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE BOY CHILDREN?!?

It is so infuriating when a man tells you what you should wear and not to wear, how you should do your hair or why you should wear makeup or why you should smile more, there is no week where a man offers me free unsolicited styling recommendations.

I’m done with online dating. Like. Done done. In three months, I have had dates with two people with a history of domestic violence, one with a wife, and the least offensive one had visible ear wax. Very sweet, but it grossed me out. Before making it to a date, I have been cussed out numerous times, asked multiple

Transporting 100 ETOH patients would be a nightmare, logistically. Even if you put two per ambulance, that’s 50 separate runs. Factoring in the heat, a lot of them probably needed IV hydration, which means you need a medic and not “just” an EMT (note: I’m an EMT, don’t @ me. But at least in my state, we can’t start

I’m fine with this. Smoking is terrible, sometimes I wish cigarettes were banned outright. I smoked on and off from age 22 to 26, and many of my friends at the time were smokers. So many of them have struggled to quit for years, and regretted ever starting. I don’t know any smokers who are really happy that they’re

Lol can’t believe I forgot to add that section about what men will think of your attractiveness.

We’re all so proud of your ability to overcome. Your struggle is truly inspiring.

You missed a boner.

I love that they separate “get a manicure” and “get a pedicure” into two different items. It reminds me of how I over-itemize my work “to-do” list so I can check things off and feel like I am accomplishing something even if I’m not.

Brian later told me that it took dating a few other people to realize how badly he got treated by them, and how I was the one he always went to.

Holy Shit, they did it, they really did it!!

Happy three months, Catalina!

This morning, I woke up dreading the chemistry final I didn’t study at all for. I’ve been out of college for 6 years lol. My dad tells me he’s had similar nightmares but it was about a random course he supposedly forgot to drop. Anyone ever have anything similar?

It took me a long time to forgive* myself for putting up with bullies and listening to my mother’s trouble advice that consisted only of, “Just ignore them.”

Huh. So, let’s see here...

Now playing

Here is Stevie singing Wid Heart while getting her makeup done for a photo shoot. You’re welcome.

I for one welcome our new world where aunt May is hot.

I agree, plus sex isn’t the same as gender. There’s nothing wrong with recognizing a child’s sex at birth while making zero assumptions about their future gender (or sexuality) provided you give them options to identify correctly down the line.

Buying shorts is my archenemy. Every year I intend to finally buy some because even though I love loose dresses and skirts, sometimes they’re not convenient and/or they fly up. But as a lady with an arse and hips, I just don’t want shorts that are tight around my thighs or that are low rise. Basically I want loose,

Once again, 53% of white women stabbed themselves along with all other women - actually scratch that - all other human beings on earth - in the back. Traitors.