
A photo of a woman on her knees cleaning = support for Trump. I guess she’s staying on brand..

Yes. I left my job in July 2006, three days before WeePiglet arrived. I had planned to go back but we did the math and it didn’t make sense for me to do so, and I stayed home.

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.

That is straight up “let them eat cake”. He’s lucky we decided to forgo guillotine technology in this country.

“He did not get any sun,” Murray added. “He had a baseball hat on.”

“Of course we can’t judge. If you choose to do it (unlike your lover’s stitch!), and it makes you happy, go for it.”

“It’s super scary because I’m always afraid that I’m gonna burn all my bridges by saying something a stupid kid like myself would say. I’m still growing up!”

I’m one of the assistant T.O.s for the Ottawa scene (Mehtagame is the main dude) and was commentating this set with Rich.

Does anyone have any advice for how to stop feeling like you’ve burdened the people you love after experiencing sexual assault? I can’t be the only one who feels this way. It’s been a week since it happened, and I feel like I’ve just talked myself in circles, bothering everyone around me. I’ve got an appointment

I hope you texted him “I am more than my holes.”

The guy I’ve been dating for several months has gone from going out to just meeting at his house for sex. He texted me last night at 11pm and I ignored it. Like I’m supposed to jump out bed, leave my comfy bed and cute pup to touch his dick. And it felt damn good. I’m sick of it. The dating scene in my thirties has

Well, you fragile menfolk can all sleep easy tonight, knowing you’ve been successfully protected from a group of girls who might have otherwise bled all over you. BOOOOOOO~OOO SCARY SCARY FEEEEEEMAAAALES!! COMIN’ TO GET YOUUUUUU, DONNIE SMALLHANDS!!

Well, I know I feel safer here in this shining city on the hill, this beacon of freedom, this safe harbor for the wretched and yearning, this symbol that if you work hard you can achieve anything!

Happy Canada Day.

I get excited if one of my replies on a kinja site gets 25 stars.

One time I got 38 likes, 16 retweets and 7 comments. I was pretty stoked because i’m pathetic.

I enjoy things going viral.