
Why are people so suspicious of mainstream, accepted medical advice and care but so willing to plunge, unexamined, into unproven homeopathic treatments?

Truly, with progress like this, feminism is no longer needed.

I’ve noticed that. He is obsessed with women and blood. He aimed the majority of his insults toward Mika and her appearance. I saw the comment she made about him. It was over his fake Times cover and she said something about how he was hiding his tiny hands. Tiny hands bother him, you all.

Yeah, it’s strange how there’s this visceral reaction to women that sends Trump to a very dark place with little provocation.

Trump seems to be obsessed with women’s blood/women’s bleeding in a disturbing way. Has anyone else commented on this or consulted a psychological expert for further insight? Seriously.

They are so narcissistic that they believe everyone wants to be them, and also that they are so “cool” that they can act first and ask questions later. Their business acumen is sorely lacking.

It’s like if Crazy Ex Girlfriend were about Rachel moving to West Covina for Valencia instead of Josh!


I still don’t understand why they scrapped it. I sincerely enjoyed it, and it was such a friendly little corner of the Internet. No one gets heated and starts name calling if you have a difference in opinion on powder versus liquid foundation (powder forever, and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise!).

This is cool.


It must be so nice to be old and have license to be as savage as you want. This whole thing is gold.

As someone turning 30 pretty damn soon, the idea of paying hundreds of dollars to go to a crowded festival that may involve sleeping in tents just... doesn’t cut it anymore. The only festivals I’ll go to are the ones that are in/around major urban areas, and there are more than enough of those that I can see major

This is horrible and happens in cities everywhere. A good friend in my city is still fighting to get her rape kit processed. She was raped last October, they’re now deliberately dragging their feet on prosecuting her case since she embarrassed them by going to the media, and our DA has dealt with the negative press

As a woman who games regularly and has since the 80s, I still marvel at gaming conventions where young men and older men will literally stare, dumbly, at female RPG gamers. Some even go so far as to say, “Uhhh, I didn’t know girls played these games.”

I moved to a hat-wearing Euro country three years ago and at first, I made fun of the hats. Then, I got a pink hat as a “haha, look at how Euro I am” ironic wear at my first day at the races. Now I own multiple hats and can’t imagine going to a wedding without. Hats. Are. My. Thing. Now.

She has a much more positive and charitable view about that boss’s comment than I do. I thought it was obvious she was being told to just shut up, sit in the quota chair, and be counted.

Pretty damn boss article Cecilia, like one that would be at the end of a dungeon or something.

I think all that “devil worship” mass hysteria stuff from the 80's really made D&D conservative. It took most of the sex and “questionable” content out of circulation. Hell, RPGA (as of my last encounter with it) didn’t even

God damn it! Why the fuck won’t these religious hucksters go away and stop targeting people’s fears and ignorance? It’s so unfair to spread this shit in Black neighborhoods, using the abuses the government and medical community have actually perpetrated against us. Fucking vaccines aren’t that. I hope fewer people