
In the 7th grade Tommy C had no interest in holding hands/potentially junior highish making out with me on a ride at Kings Island. I was so mortified I would have exited the ride any way possible, including jumping into the arms of bystanders. Might be projecting here. Dumb Tommy C.

Is it flaunting literary privilege to say that anyone going into a production of 1984 without some idea of what they’re going to see deserves what they get?

So, is the sum of this that they would have protected him and his abusive ways if he hadn’t filed suit? As much shit as Amber Heard took when she left him and said he abused her, she could have used as many people in her corner as possible. It’s disappointing that money trumped her safety.

While I’m glad additional corroboration is coming to light that supports Amber Heard’s statements, I am appalled that this is what is required to believe a woman’s word on intimate partner violence.

She’s like the original AHCA

Really? But one looks like a human and the other one looks like a Bratz doll.

I don’t know about “vajazzled” but all I see in that photo is a future, raging UTI. #sandisnotyourfriend

So what we’ve learned here is that this juror is ignorant about sexual assault, apparently didn’t actually listen to the evidence, had already made up his mind before entering the courtroom, and has watched enough episodes of Columbo to learn the phrase ‘smoking gun’. Go figure.

We have a dearth of people who can think critically about literally anything here in the U.S., let alone people who can think critically about legal matters.

My favourite is the type of man who rants about women in burkas - with some faux outrage about women’s rights - but would be outraged if his girlfriend wasn’t wearing a 4 inch mini-skirt on Saturday night out, and hasn’t quite managed to connect the two attitudes.

I do not have a firm opinion on the following issue, but a lot of people in the Legal Academic field in Brazil agree that trial by jury should be abolished. Because, despite the logic of “judged by peers”, the current average juror is to ignorant on Law to properly decide on these matters... I don’t know.

I’m currently sitting in a public place trying not to go into a full fucking hulk rage after reading this idiot juror’s thoughts. Dozens and dozens of women with the same story but noooooooooo this slut was askin for it. MEN ARE THE WORST LETS RID OURSELVES OF ALL OF THEM

The stupidity and horribleness of men and how they talk about sexual assault—because of course a bare midriff means “drug me and fuck me any time you want”—makes me sick. What the fuck is a “smoking gun” in a rape case? Ugh. Ugh. Aaaaaarrrrgggh

I...don’t remember if guys were that hot when I was in college or if I’m just seeing them through cougar-colored glasses.

There’s all types of awkwardness in this world. But there’s nothing more embarrassing than being told to come for dinner to your parents’ house only to find guests with their 25 year old engineering/med school son. Parents who do this should be fined with a heavy tax.

Kumail is one of my favorite comedians. I’ve also heard Emily do interviews on several podcasts, and she seems great, too. I wish this movie was coming to St. Louis. I’ll just have to catch it when it goes to stream!


That is Beric Dondarrian, Lord of Blackhaven, to you.

I am here to see Jon Snow slice some motherfucking ice monsters in half.

I’m dying to see the explanation of how the depleted Lannister Army is any kind of threat to the essentially untouched armies of the Stormlands, Dorne and the Reach.