
In before the “but won’t this just glamorize it/ encourage teens to have eating disorders?!” crowd. As someone with a long history of severely disordered eating, I’m happy to see this topic get some thoughtful treatment.

“In some ways, Trump is one of the best things to happen to this country because look at how many people are getting off their posteriors,” says Sherry Wells, the Green Party’s Michigan chairwoman. “So part of me is giggling.”

Looking forward to all the people on this board who, during the election, claimed Hillary was as bad as Trump - who are all now pretending like they weren’t wringing their hands about the importance of 3rd parties and insisting on voting for the perfect gluten-free biodynamic political candidate of their choice

They should just be honest about who these dolls are ‘cause these Kens are not interested in Barbie. They’re obviously living together in some kind of polyamorous relationship and that’s ok.


RIGHT? Uh, I’m not offended by what she said. It was actually a great comparison. It’s obvious she knows someone, or more than one someone, with such limitations. Don’t be offended on my behalf random concern troller, thanks.

As a person with an autoimmune disease, I am not offended in any way shape or form and actually think this is a pretty good analogy. People need to sit the fuck down.

Dear Savannah’s parents: you’re doing it right. Dear stake president: you are not.

Good dad too. I’ve known him for about fifteen years and he and her mom are about as loving and supportive as it gets. I saw his pictures from Pride with them all wearing their matching t-shirts and I’m still talking about it online so I guess it was pretty damn cute.

This doesn’t make sense to me. How was it road rage? He decided to throw beer bottles at them, and then beat Ms. Hassanen to death? Where did road rage come in: it wasn’t as though they were in another car.

I feel so bad for this kid and his parents. I really do. Having said that, why would anybody want to go to North Korea? Serious question.

It’s unclear how Donald Trump will respond to the torturing death of an American citizen at the hands of an autocratic and brutal regime

Ah, another example of Christian love and tolerance. Per usual.

“I am not shocked that part of her health was affected by drugs,” he continued. “If you want to know what killed her, it’s all of it.”

Even in death the woman continues to be a catalyst for important discussions about women’s mental health, and addiction. Thank you Carrie.

My dad has never once voted Republican.

Our family has a long standing tradition that any celebration involving cards, the card must be totally inappropriate, addressed to someone else, and signed by someone else.

My Dad was a lost, hard working, alcoholic emotionally troubled NaAm. If you are a female with a “rescue complex” always trying to “save” some guy—don’t have kids. Life is hard enough. Manymanymany people are simply not able to be fixed, helped or saved no matter how much ego&good intentions you as a nurturing female

My dad is a saaaaaaint. I love him. He is my favourite person in the world. He is also the source of 90% of my irritation in any given day but that’s parents for you. He has always been a world-class dad. I had terrible sleep problems when I was little so he used to come into my room and sleep on the floor until I

One time I was arguing with my boyfriend on AIM (lol), and my dad walked in and saw me crying. I was so upset that I didn’t tell him why I was crying. Being my dad and not knowing what to do about my emotions, he left the room and came back with $60 in cash, then laid it down next to my computer and left. Thanks, dad.