
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea last year at 51. Having the sleep apparatus has me waking up chipper and clearheaded after eight hours in bed/7 hours of sleep vs 9 hours in bed/4 hours sleep. I have lost 11 pounds, my cholesterol is down to a healthy level. It’s been a game changer. If you have a loved one who snores

She won me over because her music is bomb. She can do no wrong in my book. I just love her.

**Taylor is cunning and petty and she plays the long game.**

fewer people in my way at disney parks? good!

She’s always been that type of woman who “doesn’t have any girlfriends, all my friends are guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Color me not shocked.

I hope everyone reads the piece in the Guardian by David Lammy, the MP for Tottenham. His wife was a friend of Khadija Saye and he makes a number of important points as to how this is corporate manslaughter and people need to be charged and held responsible for their actions.

I’m an entomologist and I work with that beautiful specimen you have pictured, Ae. aegypti. To maintain a colony in the lab, I will sometimes have to feed them by sticking my arm into a cage and letting them go to town. My best advice to avoid getting a reaction is to NOT SCRATCH no matter how much they itch. Once you


Memory: The first year Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did the Golden Globes, they were doing “this or that” and the subject of “Which Chris?” was raised. Tina Fey, because she has excellent taste, screamed, “CHRIS PINE!!” and then looked slightly embarrassed.

My ex was a sexual abuse survivor and subsequent sexual addict (or compulsive if you prefer) and while I wouldn’t call myself a toxic person in any sense, our relationship was incredibly toxic, and I always related a lot to Khloe when I read about what they went through. I doubt she’s a bad person, but she is

I know people wil say I’m exaggerating, but it’s my firm belief that it’s this kind of thing that lay the grounds for normalizing victim-blaming in rape.

True story: One of my friends from college told me one of his most vivid memories of middle school was the time he got a raging boner because of the way the girl he had a crush on was breathing. It was making her boobs go up and down.

High school me would just have just said fuck it and chucked the bra. If you thought the straps were distracting wait until you see these G’s sway.

GOOD. I hope this sets a strong precedent.

I love the announcer on the right (I didn’t catch his name), he is always so genuinely enthusiastic about the women competitors and an absolute delight in every NW clip I watch. He’s a good egg and clearly a huge Jessie Graff fan, who is absolutely extraordinary and worthy of fandom!

The song has aged like fine wine, but the video looks ridiculous. Except for the part where she’s covered in gold paint, which I love, it’s one of those videos that’s a victim of a technology that was probably revolutionary at the time (the water splashing all over), but now looks like a child drew it with crayons.

“What’s the big deal? I thought Wonder Woman’s people were all lebanese.”

As I have written before, my daughter died when she was five in 2011, two months after being diagnosed with an inoperable and malignant brain tumor. There is no cure for her type of tumor - DIPG - and current treatments do little more than extend life for a few months.

I had a 2nd trimester abortion for a wanted child with chromosomal abnormalities and that in itself was hard enough. I cannot imagine being forced to carry a terminal fetus to term, being forced to go through the process of either delivering or having a c-section, being forced to deal with everything your body does