
Really, this situation is ridiculous. Choice is the law of the land; sneaking into clinics feels like the current version of back alleys. Abortions should be freely performed in every hospital in every state. Why does it feel as though we are condemned to be singled out as slutty sluts and have to traverse a gauntlet.

With Mother’s Day coming up tomorrow, I just wanted to share the story of when I was eight and my mom threw a can of creamed corn at me in a grocery store. In her defense, she did yell “Here, catch!” as the corn was halfway through its trajectory; just in time for me to look up, ensuring it hit me square in the face.

Smoking is gross. Indoor smoking is even more gross. Indoor smoking that ruins original art pieces and haute couture gowns people spent months making for these idiots is reprehensible.

The dumbest part of Sharpova’s return is how some commentators and media are trying to paint her as some player who is returning from injury, instead of a ban. That’s why the players like Genie are calling her out and rightfully so.

YOU MUST BE FUCKING KIDDING ME... They want to be paid for defunding an organization that helps women, in a state with a very bad record of doing so, in a country with increasingly scandalous levels of maternal mortality. We really need the pitchforks and fucking torches, bitches.

Laura Linney not being able to bang that hot dude was one of the most disappointing film scenes I’ve ever watched. If she doesn’t get some action I will be devastated.

When I was sexually harassed at work, the reporting process was at least 5 times as traumatic as the actual harassment - and I had a trusted, personal relationship with the person to whom I had to report. In the end, I was told that I would not be informed of any disciplinary actions that were taken against my

You know, that sounds about right. It was all about what the boys did to the girls. Hannah is dead so there can’t be any exploration of her depression in any real way. All we have are tapes that are lessons for the boys to be better.

Let’s not forget that the book was written by a middle-aged white man with a son, not a daughter. So it’s basically one long string of mansplaining about something he clearly doesn’t have a clue about.

“I was trying to explain that all hospitals are required by law to treat patients in need of emergency care regardless of their ability to pay and that the Republican plan does not change that,”

Vive le France! We drove the Nazis out 72 years ago. No way in hell are they coming back.

Love what Minaj did. Sometimes students really just need a cash payment, not to have to fill out pages for scholarships that amount to piddly squat.

I am with Martha.

Brag/accomplishment thread! My brag is I’M DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL!!! I submitted the last of my coursework today! So to celebrate I made a peach-blueberry pie with tons of crumble on top and I’m having the most amazing burger rn. I put TWO slices of cheese on it because fuck it. Lots of wine. Brag here everyone! Let’s

Honestly I can’t decide which is more iconic. The fan, or when they fall into the fountain. Or the mattress surfing. Or when she nearly breaks his foot. NO WAIT, make all the boy mooses go ‘wah’. I’m gonna rewatch this tonight.

This is legit me. My friends always make fun of me because if there is even a WHIFF of a hot man being in something, I’ll go see that shit or VOD it. The thirst is real. Some examples: (be advised, these span across years of thirst)

George says hi.

Back when I was a horny virgin teenager I watched George of the Jungle and puberty pretty much ran it’s course in the span of 80 minutes.

I diverged from my colleagues on this one, I sat through This Means War for Chris Pine who I’ve loved since Princess Diaries II. Just FYI, Chris Pine has made a lot of very bad movies.

The amount of times I watched Eric Bana put on his armour in Troy was just shameful. So that has to be my pick.