
Per Snopes:

I over tip too. I feel like there are plenty of people who under tip or don’t tip at all, so I hope I can cancel them out. While I was never a server, I worked retail for a few years while I was in college. Just having someone look you in the eyes and smile, treat you like a human, could make a shitty shift/day

I completely get Amy on this. I worked in the service industry and I’ve also been suuuuper poor. I’m rich now, not like Amy rich, but I can pay all my bills, go out to eat, and still put money in savings every month rich (so solidly middle class). I’m a generous tipper. I’ve been known to leave a $50 tip on a $30

Liam Neeseon was lured to a sandwich shop by nothing more than the ofer of free food.


I have never understood how completely devoid of empathy people can be. When someone loses their spouse, you bend over backwards to ease their pain. You don’t flip them the bird and make life even harder.

You have to be a special kind of asshole to refuse funeral services to someone. I have heard of churches doing this, too. This person’s loved ones are experiencing soul-crushing grief. You don’t have to be the humanitarian of the year to show some compassion.

Here’s Pitt on whether he’s going through a mid-life crisis:

she is my hair heroine.

It was your monster of an uncle’s fault and NO. ONE. ELSE’S.

I was molested as a child and my family thought it best to sweep it under the rug, until the offending uncle decided to get married to a woman with two small daughters. I testified and the judge looked me in the eye and said “I’m sorry, but I cannot do anything; the statute of limitations has expired.” I was still a

Truth. The nonchalant putting $500 on a wrist band, and I’m working 50 hours a week with a master’s degree and sometimes wonder how we’re getting groceries.

Whenever I read stories like this in the world, I wonder how on earth people my age or younger can just go and willy nilly drop $2000 on something like this. Our household income is twice the median and anything over $200 is a ‘is this ok? Can we do this?’ type of purchase. I always wonder what these people do for a

like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

We would have also accepted; “like, because it’s pretty fucking easy.”

Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?

Related: My hair is past my tits, and I’m getting it chopped off on Tuesday to above my shoulders. I AM SO EXCITED. I also get it cut about once-twice a year, so I have NO idea what to ask for. I’m pregnant and have a toddler so I need something that my fine sort-of wavy sort-of straight hair can handle without any

Getting one’s hair chopped is the best and freest most ALIVE feeling, ever.

forever and ever and ever

As a young newly out queer woman this had such a profound effect on myself and my friends. We had viewing parties for both the puppy episode and her Diane Saywer interview. My parents were havuing a very hard time with my sexuality and seeing Betty stand up for Ellen was soawesome.