
Every day I hate Bernie and his bros more and more. The entitlement around Bernie and the DNC is mind boggling. That somehow a dude who has contributed nothing in his entire career to the democratic party is supposed to come in and get equal treatment to a woman who worked her entire adult life in the organization

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

I can only wish for such arrogance.

I don’t get a chance to use my favorite camel joke very often, here goes:

Soooo... basically white geekboys are throwing temper tantrums that their preferred media doesn’t reflect them? Huh. Wonder how THAT feels...

This would be helpful! There’s a guy my age 43 at my office who’s pretty cute, never been married, articulate, fairly successful and all that and all I can think is what the fuck is wrong with the guy that he’s single? There must be something (other than the smoking and the fact that he wants kids and I don’t) or he

Same, but I got a platform and a slow news day so here we are.

Luckily I’ve been keeping a detailed record of all of my flaws and failings since I was a child.

This sounds like the conversations I have in my head, while preparing dinner, as to if someone placed me in charge of the government budget, and I could dictate how the money is spent, from which programs would I deduct, and to which would I add? And I can spend up to fifteen minutes in complex mental negotiations.

Last week I found out I was being laid off.

I’m interested to know if Americans have a proper network in place to deal with this kind of thing. I’m from Northern Ireland where abortion has always been illegal and we have organised ourselves to make sure that every woman in need can get an abortion. It’s not the ideal way but it’s invaluable. Your Irish sisters

Fuck the GOP.

It should be pretty obvious by now that when people say they like him because he “appeals to people like me” and “says what he thinks” really means “not afraid to say all the openly say racist things I think”

I find it astonishing that the people who voted for this con man, the “rich” guy that laughably ran on a “populist” platform, have no issue with him stacking the government with family and other cronies who directly profit from obvious conflicts of interest. Paying millions to rent space in Trump Tower? No problem!

This is not an April Fool’s story but my brother and I are Irish twins (a prank unto itself) and one summer night when we were both 7 for a few weeks we had a very nice teenage girl babysitter. Her teen friends typically thought they were funny and were going to prank our sitter by coming over after dark and tapping

Some of my former student will say they suffered their worst prank at my hands. A few years ago I convinced my 4th grade science class that because of a very rare alignment of Venus, Earth, Mars and the Sun the gravity on Earth would be affected for 6/10 of a second and that if they jumped at the exact right moment,

You’d be surprised how many fecal particles are all over the place, even if you think you’ve cleaned yourself.

I too am the parent of a “difficult”child. The thing that makes me angriest of all is that a child’s confidence offends these people. We’ve talked to my daughter about tact as well, but I refuse to dull her shine at all. It’s hard enough being a girl in this world, FFS.

I think most men think all women want to have sex with them.

“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”